Do these flying saucer sightings prove UFOs are real?
Are these UFO sightings real? Learn how aliens can mask their spacecraft to look like clouds and other UFO theories.
Are these UFO sightings real? Learn how aliens can mask their spacecraft to look like clouds and other UFO theories.
Get ready to facepalm, because Joe Biden made another epic blunder. At least his gaffes inspire great memes. Here are some of the best Joe Biden memes.
Do you believe 5G radiation causes coronavirus? Read the latest conspiracy theories about 5G and why they keep popping up.
When claims of life on planet Mercury started to pop up it might have sounded more credible than it probably should have. Check out what people have to say.
Doomsday prophecies come & go, but 2020 apocalyptic signs keep growing. Here's what we know about the Halloween blue moon and the end of the world prophecy.
Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is about to put forward a two–week shutdown in the wake of a second wave of coronavirus. Here's what we know.
Epstein’s escapades didn’t just stay on his private island, Little St. James. Will all the 'Lolita Express' passengers be named? Let's find out.
Prince Andrew has yet to talk to the FBI about his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein. Discover why the Duke of York is reluctant to speak up.
Braces, pimples, glasses – our middle school days weren’t exactly our best. Here we are to celebrate the most cringe moments from 'PEN15' before season 2.
Minneapolis, MN is the first to propose significant budget cuts to the police. Let's find out what's in store for the police and their budget.