The foot fetish king: Ranking Quentin Tarantino’s most tedious tropes
When it comes to the clichés of his own movie universe, the man simply cannot help himself. Here’s a ranking of nine of the worst Tarantino clichés.
When it comes to the clichés of his own movie universe, the man simply cannot help himself. Here’s a ranking of nine of the worst Tarantino clichés.
Seems the writers forgot exactly why 'Veronica Mars' was so special. Here’s why, in fans’ words, 'Veronica Mars' S4 is a major disappointment.
In light of Uma Thurman’s allegations against Quentin Tarantino, we must ponder the director’s treatment of female characters and the price of being a muse.
'Cats' is shaping up to be the movie of the year. We’ve gone through the characters and tried to match up their celebrity doppelgangers.
Here’s why we and the 'Gotham' fandom ship hard for Nygmobblepot, and why these fantastic felons are anyone’s perfect gateway into 'Gotham'.
We talked to Jonathan Ames about his writing style, influences from pulp fiction, and the potential for a 'You Were Never Really Here' sequel.
It’s time to #SaveShadowhunters. Let the 'Shadowhunters' fans speak once again, and let Freeform know what they’re taking away from dedicated viewers.
We've compiled what we know about a potential 'Watchmen' season 2 in order for everyone to gain some much-deserved clarity.
For those on the frontlines of the revolution, we bring you Reddit’s favorite theories about how season three of Hulu's 'The Handmaid's Tale' will end.
While cinema sales may be dwindling, film festivals are thriving. Let’s explore the rise of film festivals: the cool kids’ club where everyone’s invited.