Pewdiepie awarded “Most Handsome Face”: Twitter’s funniest reactions
Twitter’s latest hype is all about Pewdiepie receiving the award Most Handsome Face of 2020. Here are the best reactions.
Twitter’s latest hype is all about Pewdiepie receiving the award Most Handsome Face of 2020. Here are the best reactions.
Not even freezing temperatures could stop the band BTS from looking hot at the KBS Song Festival. Can you keep cool amidst BTS's fire red carpet look?
Frankenstein and Shakespeare can be funny! Laugh your way through the classics with these SparkNotes memes on Twitter.
¿Sabes quién es la persona más ridícula de México? Descubre todas las veces en que Edy Smol nos hizo cuestionar su sanidad mental.
Jessie J quedó temporalmente sorda y sin poder caminar. Entérate de los detalles de su hospitalización.
Fallece Armando Manzanero pero Chabelo se convierte en tendencia. Ríete con los mejores memes acerca de la inmortalidad del cuate de todos los niños.
Forensics have found who was responsible for the bombing in downtown Nashville. Check out the new details about the Christmas incident.
Renowned pop singer Jessie J was hospitalized on Christmas Eve with Ménière’s disease. Will the singing star lose her hearing?
The Queen of England's annual Christmas speech has people wondering if she's still upset about Meghan Markle and Prince Harry leaving the family.
Santa actually made it to the Loughlin-Giannulli household this year. Lori Loughlin has been released, but what does her daughter think?