Jam on: How soundtracks are killing it in all things film and TV
The recent success of 'Black Panther', 'Avengers: Infinity War', 'Westworld', and 'Game of Thrones' has propelled soundtracks to a broader audience.
The recent success of 'Black Panther', 'Avengers: Infinity War', 'Westworld', and 'Game of Thrones' has propelled soundtracks to a broader audience.
Let’s take a look at ten directors who may have made some great movies, but who also pulled some real bad stuff in their time.
There’s no point denying it any longer: a new type of film has arrived. Let’s call it the Nostalgia Sequel.
Cannes says its films must have French theatrical distribution. Here's our list of the best Netflix Originals that would have crushed the competition.
Here’s our ranking of the ten ultimate Blaxploitation movies we think you you should revisit or enjoy for the first time before.
Hey Hollywood, can you make one badass female solo travel film without a guy? This was our thought after watching 'Adrift'.
With Zoë Kravitz coming on as Catwoman, it’s clear that Matt Reeves wants the cast of 'The Batman' truly to bring characters to life, embodying key aspects.
Here’s our ranking of the nine best TV shows currently on Oprah Winfrey’s network OWN and why you should watch them.
In our rundown of drug-related TV series better than Netflix's 'Disjointed, we go from ‘Trailer Park Boys’ to ‘Peep Show’.
Loveable rogue Han Solo enjoyed countless memorable scenes throughout the 'Star Wars' franchise. Here’s a reminder of his best moments.