‘TharnType The Series’: The evolution of Type
While Type and Tharn share the spotlight in 'TharnType: The Series', it’s Type’s character that experiences a full evolution.
While Type and Tharn share the spotlight in 'TharnType: The Series', it’s Type’s character that experiences a full evolution.
Torrential rains have ravaged Chinese provinces, causing severe flooding & landslides. How will China be impacted as this hazardous weather persists?
It’s not uncommon for MLM companies to end up being investigated by legal authorities. Here are the most insane claims.
Michael Carnick has already had quite a successful career, and he's not stopping anytime soon. His new film, 'Obsidian Dolls' is taking on faith.
Find out the craziest conspiracies surrounding the Jeffrey Epstein case. Did his island have the same address as Spongebob Squarepants?
NFL is returning and fans are rejoicing. If you’re still struggling with the wait, here are some great NFL memes to take the edge off.
In an interview with radio station 4BC, Australian TV executive Neil Breen talked about his experiences with mean Ellen DeGeneres. Here's what we know.
If you think that the porn industry is sick and twisted, wait till you find out about porn parodies. Here are the most questionable parodies.
Director Judith Ehrlich has spent plenty of time covering the Vietnam War, but her new documentary 'The Boys Who Said NO!' shows a new perspective of it.
Ghislaine Maxwell’s lawyers filed for what some are calling a gag order. What is Maxwell trying to hide? Here's what you need to know.