Did Johnny Lewis’s head trauma turn the actor to mayhem and murder?
Within two years, Johnny Lewis’s promising future looked more like a confusing nightmare. Here's what happened with Johnny Lewis.
Within two years, Johnny Lewis’s promising future looked more like a confusing nightmare. Here's what happened with Johnny Lewis.
The old adage goes that the pen is mightier than the sword. Here’s the story of Michelle Carter, her texts, and the suicide of Conrad Roy.
Celebrities are humbling themselves by taking to social media in order to share their greying beards, pimples, and comfy pants during quarantine.
Desperate for an uptick in ratings, 'The Jenny Jones Show' went the 'Jerry Springer' route with personal confessions. But one confession led to death.
So exactly what was Cathy Yan doing before the 'Birds of Prey'? Here’s everything we know about DC’s hottest newcomer movie director.
In news that is the epitome #relatable, reporter Will Reeve went on the air with Good Morning America . . . here's what went wrong.
From face masks solutions for the hearing impaired to face masks that show off personality. These Coronavirus face masks are stylish and innovative.
R. Kelly had the money to make his accusers go away or destroy their reputation & credibility. Here's what we know about R. Kelly's crimes.
Susan Smith led a troubled childhood, though nobody at her high school would have noticed. Here's the legacy of a filicidal murder.
Dancer Isadora Duncan made a name for herself as one of the most unique and unrestrained artists. Here's what we know about her tragic death.