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Jeffrey Epstein’s 2019 jail sentence wasn’t the first the millionaire had in his life. Let’s find out about Epstein and his brief life in jail.

Jeffrey Epstein and his short life in jail: All your questions answered

Jeffrey Epstein’s 2019 jail sentence wasn’t the first the millionaire had in his life. Yet after getting caught soliciting prostitution of a minor, serving thirteen months of a reduced sentence, and registering as a sex offender in the mid-2000s, Epstein still tested his luck a second time around. 

Despite the severity of his latest criminal actions – pedophilia, sex trafficking, and sexual crimes against minors – Epstein endured a shorter prison sentence than anyone could have imagined. Let’s answer all your questions about Epstein’s brief life in jail. 

Epstein’s 2019 arrest 

Notorious financier Jeffrey Epstein was as famous for his elite connections – including presidents, movie stars, and princes – as he was for keeping the sources of his vast wealth a secret.

Epstein also became a media pariah when news of his latest exploits – engaging in lewd, sexual acts with girls as young at fourteen and attempted sexual trafficking – were released into the public eye. Authorities traced Epstein’s actions to a variety of residences, from a luxurious NYC townhouse, to a private “Pedophile Island” in the Caribbean. 

When NYC prosecutors looked into Epstein’s 2008 conviction in light of the new evidence suggesting his crimes were of greater scope, they sought much more serious consequences. House raids uncovered lewd photographs, logbooks, potential records of high-power celebrities, and proof of an elite system of hidden abuses. 

Jeffrey Epstein: His infamous jail sentence

When Epstein was indicted by a NY grand jury in July 2019 for his alleged crimes, he was also denied bail. The judge cited Epstein as both a threat to women and a flight risk. 

Unlike Epstein’s time in Florida – which reportedly saw him stay in a private cell kept unlocked, and freedom to leave the prison on work release twelve hours a day – it appeared Epstein would finally be denied the special treatment his wealth once afforded him. 

Despite public pressure and a variety of severe accusations, Epstein pled not guilty to the charges, and had a trial date set for the summer of 2020. Unbeknownst to everyone at the time, Epstein would never make it to his trial. 

Epstein’s short life in jail

On August 10th, 2019 – mere months after his initial sentencing – Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his jail cell at the Manhattan Metropolitan Correctional Center. 

The NYC Medical Examiner’s Office were unwavering in their ruling, citing Epstein’s cause of death as “suicide by hanging” in his cell. Aside from blowing-up in the media, Epstein’s death meant the voices of victims would not be heard at the trial, and they wouldn’t receive the closure they deserved. 

Beyond the designation of suicide, many others were not so quick to jump to the same conclusion. How did such a high-profile prisoner die in a jail cell, unattended? Why would Epstein enter a not guilty plea to kill himself? These questions led to one ominous word: conspiracy. 

Epstein’s death in jail: Murder or suicide?

The more Epstein’s death was investigated, the stranger it became. In a court appearing following his sentence in 2019, Epstein appeared totally silent. A week before on July 23, Epstein was discovered semi-conscious in his cell with bruising around his neck. Despite speculation, no talk of suicide attempts or extra precautions ever ensued. 

Following the ruling by the NYC Medical Examiner, Epstein’s brother enlisted the help of Dr. Michael Baden – a private forensic pathologist. Baden scrutinized the initial ruling, convinced the three fractures found on Epstein’s neck pointed to homicide. Baden quoted having “never seen three fractures like this in a suicidal hanging.”

Authorities still haven’t ruled Epstein’s death as anything but suicide in his cell. Yet in November 2019, a trial was set for two of Epstein’s prison guards who hid their failures to provide mandatory check-ins on the valuable prisoner. Set originally for June 2020, this trial has still yet to occur. 

Epstein’s short life in prison: The fallout 

As the case continues to grow with new accounts of atrocities, skeptics point to a cover-up. For a man like Epstein to be connected to anyone from Prince Andrew to President Donald Trump – and with evidence still being collected and organized – it’s not hard to imagine a desire to have him silenced.

One such worry is the recent arrest and trial appointment for Ghislaine Maxwell – a former lover and confidant of Epstein – who was also alleged to “breed” and lure underage girls for Epstein’s exploits. Similar to Epstein, Maxwell is being held in jail awaiting trial, and was also denied bail after being labeled a threat and flight risk.

What worries victims and prosecution is the safety of Maxwell who is both held on extreme charges and claims to have private documents accusing other unnamed celebrities of their involvement. Conspiracy aside, the aim for all parties appears to be to make it safely to the trial in 2021. 

Jeffrey Epstein’s short life in prison was no fitting punishment for the damage he – allegedly – caused his victims. Even death in prison hasn’t stopped the case from providing greater insight into the network of sex crimes. As more details about Epstein continue to unravel, we wait patiently for the real perps to face their proper day in court.

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