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Katy Perry Tag


Well, folks, love her or hate her, but 'The Ellen Degeneres Show' is finally coming to an end. Prepare to cringe at her worst interviews.

What sparked the ire of 'American Idol' fans this week? Tune in and see why viewers were less than pleased with this season's top 10 results.

After Pokémon announced news songs, Katy Kats are roaring about where Katy Perry's new single is. See when her Poké-single will appear here.

Luke Bryan will miss American Idol's taping after testing positive for COVID, and ABC has tapped a former OG to fill his boots. Welcome back, Paula Abdul!

Are you confused by these celebrity look alikes? So are we! Check out which celebrities could be twins right here, right now!

Remember all the wild times on the 'Catfish' TV show? If you need a refresher, laugh along with us here as we take you back to all the

'American Idol' has hit Hollywood week, and for some, the lights just might be too bright. Why the show might be putting too much on its contestants.

Claudia Conway's 'American Idol' audition has finally aired, but fans are concerned. See why Twitter thinks this is a publicity stunt by her parents.

Kellyanne Conway's daughter, Claudia Conway, will appear on this season of 'American Idol'. Dive into all the details and learn when she will appear.