HomePosts Tagged "Man of Steel"

Man of Steel Tag


The first 'Enola Holmes' film was a big hit for Netflix. When can we expect to see the next installment of the teen detective on the streaming service?

Is Henry Cavill truly the best Superman? Look through the movies with him in the role to figure it out for yourself.

A Nicholas Cage-led 'Superman' movie? How did this thing never take off from the ground? Learn the story here as to why the film never happened.

Superman represents all that is good in the Superman v Batman debate . . . except when he doesn't. Nerd out over the Boy Scout's less than super

Did you know how much the movie industry and casinos go hand in hand? Grab your chips and check out how these classic movies had a big impact

Zack Snyder may be a polarizing director, but his style can't be denied. Here's a rundown of his best films.

After the release of 'Army of the Dead', Zack Snyder is already ready to talk about his next movie plans. Read all about his controversial ideas here.

DC is really ready to give us everything we could ever want from the universe. Check out all the DC characters that are finally coming to life next

Have you seen all the DC movies ever made? If so, this quiz is for you! Suit up and put your DCEU knowledge to the ultimate test right