HomePosts Tagged "Frankenstein"

Frankenstein Tag


Spotify is looking to further expand their catalogue of options on top of music and podcasts they're testing audiobooks.

Frankenstein and Shakespeare can be funny! Laugh your way through the classics with these SparkNotes memes on Twitter.

Are dolls vessels for evil spirits? Here are the horror movie dolls that will keep you up at night.

The 1958 version of 'Dracula' stacks up well against the best. Here’s our ranking of the 15 greatest monster movies that helped to define an entire genre.

Grab your silver bullets and garlic bread: we have some spookiness coming your way. Take on the world's greatest foes in our classic monster movie quiz!

Let's celebrate Halloween right with a quiz dedicated to the king of Gothtober: Tim Burton! Carve those pumpkins, sit down, and take our quiz now.

Times change, and so have the monsters we know and love to hate. The question is: have movie monsters changed for the better over the years?

We’ve compiled all the movies coming to Hulu in September to watch while hiding from the seasons changing.

? HelllllloooooooooooOOOOooo?! Wow it’s the film criticism and commentary ghost! That gimmick has returned! What a treat for us all. ? That’s right! I’m about three articles away from getting