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New year, new Fox News lineup! Find out if your favorite news anchors are breaking away from the network or moving to a different time slot.

Mutha Tucker, that's a lot of coin! Fox News host Tucker Carlson's net worth is a jarring number that we're not even sure you can predict.

She may be controversial but she's rich, honey. See where Fox News host Laura Ingraham gets her net worth. Hint: she has multiple gigs.

Twitter started circulating a statement from Olive Garden saying Fox News host Sean Hannity was banned. But is it a meme, or a real statement?

Fox News host Raymond Arroyo is hating on Harry Styles's "gender-bending" fashion, and the internet is breaking. Here's the latest news on the controversy.

It looks like the two-year legal battle between Seth Rich’s parents & Fox News is coming to an end. Here are all the details.

Is Donald Trump planning to launch a "Trump TV" news network? Here's how he could use his net worth to make it happen.

Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein are the focus of a new book. Will the book clarify Andrew's role in the ongoing Epstein scandal?

Will the leaked sexual harassment tape of Chris Cuomo affect his net worth? Discover new developments in Cuomo's leaked tape.