Keep up with the ‘Star Wars’ timeline: Binge these movies and shows
The 'Star Wars' timeline has grown more complex as its stories have moved forward an backward. Use The Force to navigate our useful chronology guide!
The 'Star Wars' timeline has grown more complex as its stories have moved forward an backward. Use The Force to navigate our useful chronology guide!
Waiting anxiously for 'Star Wars Squadrons VR' to come to a headset near you? Fly to a galaxy far, far away with these 'Star Wars' virtual reality games.
Are you an expert on everything in 'The Mandalorian'? Did you really memorize all the episodes? Prove it by taking this quiz for 'Star Wars' experts only!
Are you ready for Star Wars Day? Put your lightsaber away and follow Clone Force 99 into their very own animated spinoff, 'The Bad Batch'!
Is this the TV series you're looking for? Count your midichlorians and check out the stacked cast on the upcoming 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' Disney+ show!
You know the 'Star Wars' movies, but how familiar are you with the chronological order of events in that galaxy far, far away? Take our quiz and find out!
Great or terrible, the dialogue in 'Star Wars' has always been memorable. See if you can recall which characters originated these quotes!
Gina Carano has a long history of tweets before getting fired from 'The Mandalorian.' Here is a sample of her most controversial tweets.
Lucasfilm fired Gina Carano from 'The Mandalorian' and future Star Wars projects. Here are four actresses to pick up where she left off.
¿Sabías que puedes jugar 'Star Wars Battlefront II' completamente gratis? Descubre todos los detalles y únete a la batalla en “una galaxia muy muy lejana”.