Netflix canceled ‘Altered Carbon’: here’s why the second season sucked
Another quality Netflix show just bit the dust. 'Altered Carbon' will no longer be bringing us new episodes. What does this mean for fans?
Another quality Netflix show just bit the dust. 'Altered Carbon' will no longer be bringing us new episodes. What does this mean for fans?
Is Chris Watts showing remorse for murdering his family? Discover an update from a prison source that says he's sorry and decide if he is or not.
Real UFOs exist. Yet, are there really aliens? That’s what’s really up for debate. Are these stories real or just crazy Florida people?
'The Ellen Show' does some damage control on EllenGate. Find out if the changes to the show's workplace are enough to overcome the scandal.
'Rick and Morty' is one of the most challenging animated shows on television. Here are all the theories surrounding season 5.
Is Prince Andrew due for another interview? Find out what protesters had to say about Prince Andrew and his ties to the Epstein sex-trafficking scandal.
Have extraterrestrials made contact with Earth already? The latest UFO sighting comes to us from the UK where alien hunters captured a promising UFO video.
'Money Heist' is a special show which has taken the world by storm. What's the latest about the Indian remake and potential cast?
Was there a real UFO found in the Congo? Delve into the UFO that allegedly landed in a Congolese province and the official explanation.
Who were the most famous names in the NXIVM cult? Discover which celebrities joined NXIVM, which ones left, and which ones are still involved.