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Netflix offers some of the best indie films, like 'The Cloverfield Paradox'. Here's why it's become where indie movies go to die.

We love a good punk rock movie. Here’s our ranking of the ten most badass punk rock movies ever made that 'Her Smell' has had to measure up to.

Here are the ten best horror with sociopolitical subtexts from the past ten years that you need to check out as a starter or chaser for 'The First

Crowdfunding is now an accepted way to make and finance films. Let’s look at some of the biggest crowdfunded movies.

When season one of HBO’s 'True Detective' hit our screens back in 2014, our lives changed. To keep yourself up to date, here’s everything the green-eared spaghetti monster

The official Cannes 2018 lineup won’t be announced until April, but that hasn’t stopped us from speculating wildly about which films might make the cut. The following ten

If you already find yourself wasting hours every week trying to decide between the hundreds of shows & movies Netflix keeps recommending to you, then you might want