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Get ready for a newly terrifying tale every single week. Meet the cast of 'American Horror Stories' ahead of this week's episode "Drive In".

'American Horror Story' is getting a spinoff just in time for this year's spooky season. Meet the new cast of 'American Horror Stories' before it airs.

The new spinoff series from 'American Horror Story' is close to premiering. Delve into a world of horror for this new season of 'American Horror Stories'.

Ever wondered what happened to the original actor who played Reggie on 'Riverdale'? Find out all the deets on why the character was re-casted here.

Get your limo ready because 'Riverdale' has invited us to their senior prom in season 5. Check out the latest teaser images.

We can all admit that the 'Riverdale' cast are all pretty attractive, but who wins as the hottest member of this bunch? Let's find out.

This season of 'Riverdale' has really not helped those arguing the show isn’t trash. Here's what we think will happen to Archie in the finale.

We’re revisiting key scenes from 'Riverdale''s past with our ranking of the sixteen weirdest moments from S2’s “Carrie: The Musical” episode.