‘Sanditon’ needs season 2, share this if Sidlotte is your favorite ship
Sanditon fans, we hope your fire for getting a second season has been stoked after seeing Amazon Prime UK’s tweet – we know ours certainly has. Today we’ve decided to narrow our focus just slightly. We’ve waxed poetic numerous times about how the show is unfinished and all the character arcs have only reached their mid-points.
Rather than make broad statements, no matter how true & accurate, we decided we’re going to look specifically at Sidlotte. They are, after all, the main ship of the show, and the position they’ve been put in is the most heartbreaking one of all. So where did we leave them, and what questions are we all still asking?
Charlotte was left crying in a carriage as she headed to her family home in the season one finale. We don’t know much about Charlotte’s home life except that she has many siblings, and both her parents are alive. (Though we did get a slightly better glimpse of her home life when Red Planet Pictures released some deleted scenes.)
So what could be next for Charlotte? She really thought she was about to get engaged & live with Sidney in Sanditon for the rest of her days. Suddenly the man she’s fallen in love with (and loves her back) has decided to put his own desires to the side in order to save his brother from bankruptcy and broken dreams.
Charlotte goes back home and then continues to live in her family home surrounded by young siblings and a serious lack of marriage prospects. We can’t help but imagine the poor girl would feel a bit stifled at home now that she’s been so independent for so long. Sure, she lived in the Parker household, but she was without family for months.
Charlotte had a good deal of free agency in the town of Sanditon, and even gallivanted off to London on her own. True, this was against everyone’s recommendation, and wasn’t a pleasure trip, but she still did this of her own accord. In season 2 we would expect to see Charlotte a lot more confident & independent than when we first met her.
We think in season 2 after spending some time at home she would find herself rather bored and decide to go back to Sanditon. She would likely stay with Tom and Mary Parker again. Charlotte would probably feel safe doing this since Eliza would likely have Sidney live with her in London & doesn’t seem to have any interest in visiting the seaside resort.
Of course, we all know something would have to happen which would bring Sidney back – oh, the drama this would cause!
Sidney has proposed to Eliza Campion with the sole intention of saving his brother from ruin – something he only did because Charlotte changed him. We know the poor man is going to be miserable with Eliza. However, breaking the couple up in this story would be a great deal trickier in this setting than a modern day one.
If they get married quickly the only realistic option is for Campion to die, since the divorce was far too scandalous back then. On the other hand, Sidney ruining his pristine image to be with Charlotte would be incredibly romantic. Though, it would also make Eliza look bad, so now it would feel a bit selfish and thus less romantic.
Rooting for a character to die who is more or less innocent doesn’t feel great though.
Which means the writers must settle for a long engagement, which can then be broken off later. Perhaps at the altar? However, Sidney has to marry quickly because he’s only marrying for her money. He can’t sit and wait around for the most elegant & perfect wedding to be planned, otherwise Tom is going to have to face some very serious debts.
Sidney is really in a pickle here and we don’t exactly know how the writers can fix it. Which is why we need season 2 of Sanditon so badly! We do think Sidney would return to Sanditon, despite Eliza’s protests, in order to help occasionally, especially if he’s now footing a number of the bills. This means running into Charlotte in our theory where she comes back to stay with the Parkers.
The two characters running into one another would most definitely cause everyone heartache. They’re both in love and we have no idea how one would give everyone a happily ever after in this situation, which as we all know, is the only option in the case of a Jane Austen story. Right now the two main characters are distraught and torn apart.
Perhaps, in our theory, as the two continue to run into one another in Sanditon Tom will realize Sidney is actually in love with Charlotte, and tell his brother to break it off with Eliza. Then by some miracle Lady Denham is overcome with generosity and helps Tom with all his troubles. That would be lovely wouldn’t it?
However, we won’t know what lies ahead for any of these characters until we’re given a season 2 of Sanditon. This means tweeting with our #SaveSanditon hashtag, and even sharing this article so Amazon Prime UK knows why we care so much.
Carmel Zumbo (Australia)
I am a Sidlotte fan and have been treating myself to Fanfic of the show during the ISO time. So many scenarios have been played out so far outlining what direction a season two could take. I have also been so impressed by a writer who wrote a modern version about Charlotte being a songwriter and she also produced two original songs related to Sidlotte. They are available on YouTube. Such clever creative people out there flying the Sanditon flag…the sisterhood those creating music videos reviews and playful responses to this drama… it goes on. Let’s not forget the petition with so many signatures too. If you want to get inspired for season to watch Fabiolas YouTube video about season two…meet me on the battlefield…it is insightful. 🤞🤞🤞We get a second season.
June 22, 2020Kay Halverson
I loved Sanditon! I am hoping there will be at least one additional season. It is ripe for more. I love the characters and setting.
June 23, 2020D. Lawson
B-thanks for helping all of us at #Sanditon, #Save Sanditon and #Sandition PBS to keep the hope of a Sanditon Season 2 alive. There is a wonderful chemistry between CH and SP and Andrew Davies has done a great job of bringing it alive. Many thanks to you for also trying to keep it alive!
June 23, 2020Leslie Kenyon
Personally I felt Charlotte was too much a meddler and that is how she got her friend in trouble. And where the writing fell short is she and Sydney were off and on bickering until the trip into London where Sidney had to go to save Miss lamb from being sold into a marriage the Charlotte inadvertently made happen. They weren’t in love until that trip and there’s nothing about that trip that should have made Sydney turn around and be a changed man for Charlotte. Charlotte should really end up with Stringer and they should start an architect company together and Sydney should re kindle his love with his first love. And that should be flushed out further as to why she left him for a rich old man.
June 23, 2020Unless she was so callous in which I would find it hard he was in love with her, it seems she was trying to save her family as well or something like that. I think a steamy unrequited passion between Sidlotte at re meeting them would be fine but they should realize they’re better off with other people. Besides how is Sydney really going to support her in Sandition. He needs to be in London wheeling and dealing and travelling which is much better suited with Eliza. So I’d say bring on season 2 but don’t do the obvious Charlotte Sidney ending and that is not even the way Austin works. Look at Marianne dashwood and how she ended
not with the man she was in love with but the man she learn to love.
Marsha H Smith
Sanditon must have second season. I know everyone realizes that so please, please get on with it !!! Please !!!!!
June 23, 2020Patricia Criswell
Wonderful article, the prospects of what can happen makes the waiting more exciting. The possibility of another season helps the imagination wheels start turning with anticipation.
June 23, 2020Ana Carpenter
Living in New Zealand and preparing breakfast therefore this will be as much as I can honestly say.
June 23, 2020Finance is always an issue when making a film. Sanditon season 2 would be welcoming with the same
actors and actresses a handsome couple Sidney Parker and Charlotte. Here in New Zealand we’ve
yet to see the series, nevermind all in good time. Ttfn, tar tar for now, an old saying from my early
school days. Good luck
Cu Ana
Yes please bring back Sandition
June 23, 2020Daniëla Smeaton
Desperate for a Season 2 of Sanditon. Fell hopelessly in love with all the characters and we need a better ending for Charlotte and Sidney, so please and thank you.
June 23, 2020Dawn
Excellent program which was cast very well and kept every watcher wanting more!
June 24, 2020So why not make a sequel to satisfy our thirst for romance in these difficult times!
If money is an issue then let us pay for it!!!! on Netflix or?????
Downtown Abby was great so we romantics of the World emplore you to make another series of Sanditon – With its refreshingly new characters and fantastic costumes – oh yes and the fantastic black horses racing across the sublime English contryside! I really enjoyed it as you can tell!
Anna Brown
Thank you for your fantastic article about our incredible show Sanditon which all of us love so much. We are communicating with PrimeVideoUK and getting encouraging Feedback from them and are hoping they invest in the second and third season of the show!!!
June 24, 2020Sandi
Don’t forget us Yanks across the pond we love this show too
June 26, 2020Paula Todd
please bring back this lovely program.
June 27, 2020Rupert Phillips
Bring back Sanditon! We want series 2!
June 24, 2020Ann Austin
Don’t waste my time with a second season for Charlotte and Stringer. Charlotte and Sidney all the way.
June 24, 2020Ruth Allison
We love Sanditon, and want a Season 2!
June 24, 2020Carole
Absolutely save Sanditon!!!!! All characters mesh very well, especially Charlotte & Sidney… great story line, great actors. Can’t say enough as I could go on & on….bring it back!!!!!!!!
June 25, 2020Sandi
Plz Plz 😭. You can’t leave us hanging like this. We have so little to look forward to lately. I know out there, somewhere is a bright and brilliant producer who would looooove to bring this tantalizing series back. We are so heartsick at the thought of not seeing this. Please someone
June 26, 2020