What happened to Ghislaine Maxwell? Will she face her victims?
Former girlfriend of Jeffrey Epstein and alleged sex trafficking conspirator, Ghislaine Maxwell, seems to have recently slipped from the headlines. What happened to the fallen socialite? Well, despite being relatively under the radar, Ghislaine Maxwell is nowhere near clear of her crimes.
Currently, the woman accused of grooming underage girls for sex trafficking is locked inside a Brooklyn Jail. An allegedly decrepit jail, at that. On August 13th, Ghislaine Maxwell’s bid to dismiss her sex tracking indictments was turned down by a U.S. judge.
Maxwell refers to Bill Cosby case for freedom
The longtime associate of Jeffrey Epstein claimed her case should be judged similar to the recent overturning of Bill Cosby’s 2018 sexual assault conviction. However, the Manhattan judge asserted that the two cases are in no way identical and will be treated accordingly.
U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan in Manhattan announced she was not bound by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s June 30th decision to free Bill Cosby, and that Maxwell hadn’t been guaranteed she wouldn’t be prosecuted, as the Pennsylvania court said Cosby had.
Nathan also denied Ghislaine Maxwell’s claims that prosecutors waited too long to charge her with sex trafficking between 2001 and 2004, saying Congress’s 2006 elimination of the statute of limitations applied after the alleged crimes.
In Bill Cosby’s case, he was freed after Pennsylvania’s highest court declared a 2005 agreement not to charge him with drugging & assaulting Andrea Constand determined he shouldn’t have been criminally charged a decade later.
Why Maxwell’s comparison didn’t hold up in court
The 59-year old British socialite has pleaded not guilty to the eight-count indictment, which involves her alleged selection & grooming of underage girls for Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking crimes from 1994 to 2004.
Ghislaine Maxwell’s lawyers attempted to compare her case to Cosby’s because she had been immunized under Epstein’s 2007 nonprosecution agreement (NPA) with federal prosecutors in Florida, in exchange for pleading guilty to state prostitution charges.
However, Judge Nathan said the cases weren’t identical and what happened to Bill Cosby won’t apply to her case. She remained with her April verdict that Epstein’s agreement doesn’t bind Manhattan prosecutors or shelter accused co-conspirators.
Cosby’s case “focused on whether prosecutors were required to honor a promise that the court found to be clear in the absence of a formal plea agreement,” Nathan wrote.
“Even if this Court agreed with the analysis in [Cosby’s case], that opinion sheds no light on the proper interpretation of the NPA in this case,” she added.
Maxwell in a Brooklyn jail awaiting trial
So, what’s happened to Maxwell and where is she now? Maxwell is staying in the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, also known as the MDC. Ever since her arrest in July 2020, Maxwell’s lawyers have filed legal complaints that she’s facing mistreatment & severely poor conditions at the MDC.
Other complaints from the sex trafficking associate include “sustaining hair loss,” given meals with microwaved plastic melted onto the food, that drinking water was in fact “not drinkable,” is “in de facto solitary confinement,” gets her mail months late, isn’t given the chance to review evidence before her trial, and is living in a cell filled with the odor of clogged toilets.
“The MDC — especially the East Building where Ms. Maxwell is held — is permeated with mold and vermin,” her attorney Bobbi C. Sternheim wrote in one letter to the judge managing the case. “Cockroaches and rodents are plentiful and glue tracks have been placed in Ms. Maxwell’s day area to help remediate the problem.”
Ghislaine Maxwell isn’t the only celebrity criminal to do time at the MDC. R. Kelly is also currently located at the Brooklyn MDC while awaiting his ongoing sexual assault trial. The jail has also housed stars such as Tekashi 6ix9ine, Martin Shkreli, Keith Raniere, and Michael Cohen.
What did you think happened to Ghislaine Maxwell? Should she stay at the MDC in Brooklyn? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Lisa Jenkins
Ms Maxwell should have got bail. Her conditions inside MDC are deplorable and inhumane. The allegations are historical and only targeting since Epstein died. ( one woman getting the whole blame when there are numerous alleged female conspirators) . She is a non violent non dangerous woman who should have got bail- any perceived flight risk is routinely resolved by effective ankle electronic monitoring. I am appalled the way she is being treated.
September 23, 2021Mike
I am not appalled. Do the crime, do the time. Little Lady Fauntleroy should have remembered that.
September 24, 2021Tonne
100%! THANK YOU.
November 4, 2021Guy Victor
What then about others that have to endure those conditions? Should they all be released? And non dangerous? Refreshing to see a woman not given special privileges because of their gender.
September 25, 2021Justice
Tell that to the parents of these girls who were raped by these sick demonic people. Maxwell was complicit and should get the same treatment Epstein did. You are demented for even suggesting her mistreatment. Wake up
September 26, 2021Cm
You don’t have daughters do you…
September 26, 2021Barry
Are you mad she was the predator she was feeding that pedofile little girls to abuse read in to the full story then I’m sure you will change your stupid status
November 22, 2021Chanel Carrizosa
WHY IS THERE NO MUG SHOT ?????????? 🧐🤔🤔
September 25, 2021John Downing
Lisa Jenkins should be fed to dogs
September 25, 2021Cory
Maxwell can continue to rot in MDC until her trial date. If I was in her position, I’d be looking for any way out that situation as well. Color me surprised, jail/prison isn’t a comfortable place? You mean to tell me that there are pests, gross smells, and terrible food? No, not possible…
If that is the worst that she suffers in jail/prison, then she didn’t suffer enough. Does she realize people get raped, stabbed, and killed in prison for far less than she’s accused? When you are with a man like Jeffrey Epstein for as long as she was, sex trafficking isn’t something that should slip by you. It doesn’t matter, she will HOPEFULLY see her day in court; barring a similar circumstance to Epstein.
P.S. the sicko that commented that Maxwell should be out on bail should say that to Epstein and Maxwell’s victims.
September 25, 2021Chris
Meanwhile the Biden criminal family is free and routinely flouting the constitution. America sucks.
September 26, 2021Gatsby
Feds are worthless. They let these creeps operate with impunity for so long. My opinion is the feds, prosecutors and judges are complicit. Same with Larry Nasar. To bad all these eitests control the alphabet people. I actually want her to rat everyone out. Shes probly currently serving as Bidens sex slave. Imagine being a worthless alphabet person whos job is to cover up their bosses horendous crimes. Im suprised epstein wasnt the head of CPS. So many kids in CPS custody go missing every year. This screams RICO organized crime, but everyone knows when its eitest they never can throw the book at them.
September 27, 2021BLANK
You’re a conspiracist…
October 11, 2021Gloria
MDC is too good of a place for the criminal Ghislaine Maxwell. She should get exactly what she and Epstein did to the thousands of underage girls that were “sex trafficked”. Just think, without Maxwell, Epstein could not have done what he did for so many decades. Maxwell befriended the young , and mostly poor and uneducated girls, by offering them “$100/hr for massages”. Little did they know that they were prey to a dark and evil underground world of the “rich and famous”. The young girls were the victims, Maxwell and Epstein were the predators. Too bad Epstein is not alive, I would have relished the idea of him getting raped multiple times per day, while in prison. That is what Maxwell deserves at MDC, the same treatment she gave the young girls..
September 29, 2021N Neal
Where are all the men that raped all these young women? Where are they? That’s my question.
October 19, 2021S. King
Every rock needs to be looked under concerning this disgusting drama. Sounds like waaaaay too many people are implicated, and they should all be held accountable if they are, indeed, guilty. My concern is that a lot of power and money are involved, and we all know how that can cause things to turn out!!
October 21, 2021Horrified Woman
Ghislane Maxwell pressured young girls into sex abuse, rape situations, child prostitution and sham same sex marriages w/US women so young foreign girls could be abused more easily without questions. Her defense team is trying to eliminate testimony from girls who were abused/raped using assertions like “Maxwell confessed to prostitution, so she should have immunity on these charges”, “victim was 16 at the time, so it was legal” or “don’t dispute sex abuse happened, but that girl’s likely to break down on the stand while testifying which would prejudice the jury against Maxwell.” She had sex with 12 and 13 year old girls with men. Meanwhile all the testimony against billionaires who participated in abusing/raping young girls at Epstein’s pedophile island in the Caribbean have gotten off shot free. She should rot in jail. She would flee immediately if she gets released on bail.
November 26, 2021