HomePosts Tagged "UFO" (Page 2)



Do you believe UFOs are real or not? Well, it turns out that this conspiracy may be the only thing the left and the right can agree on.

Do you believe if UFOs are real or just a conspiracy? If you think they're fake, video evidence from the Navy may change your mind. Find out the

Are UFO sightings actually aliens? Delve into why the U.S. government is worried about the possibility of extraterrestrial aircraft right here!

Are aliens among us? In 2004, a video captured a tic-tac shaped UFO floating in the air and traveling at warp speed. Find out what happened that day!

A new alien news show hosted by Demi Lovato? Why this new Peacock show might just make believers out of us all! We're confident that they're out there.

In modern times, people have become so enthralled with UFO culture. Do these images prove that UFOs actually exist?

Trouble in space could be coming, as if trouble on Earth wasn't already enough. Learn all about NASA's latest daunting warning on asteroids here.

Are Canadians flooding 911 call centers with reports of a real UFO sighting? Learn if the truth is out there.

What caused a close call with the crew on the SpaceX Dragon heading to the Space Station? Rocket up to learn what happened.