HomePosts Tagged "This is the End"

This is the End Tag


Work is stressful and everyday the world is falling apart. Toke up, sit back, and relax as you get into the 5 best movies to watch high!

Rihanna has leveled up, folks. Take a deep dive into her movies and see if the flicks she appeared in helped bump her up to billionaire status.

The end of a comedy dynamic duo? It appears so. Are sexual allegations the reason why Seth Rogen is no longer willing to work with James Franco?

How many times have you seen Channing Tatum naked? It's okay, we won't tell. Now put away your copy of 'Magic Mike' and check out the actor's new

In the mood for a movie night but wanna see something scary? Not just blood and gore, but the end of the world, maybe? Check out these apocalyptic

Is Seth Rogen still buddies with James Franco? Find out why one actress is speaking out against their relationship in the wake of abuse allegations.

What did Seth Rogen say about Emma Watson's behavior during production of 'This is the End'? Grab your apocalyptic movie gear and check out his statement.

Famed 'Harry Potter' actress Emma Watson has decided to call it quits at the age of 30. Revisit all her iconic movies.

Who doesn’t love a celebrity cameo? Check out the best movies with cameos from the past two decades.