HomePosts Tagged "Rick and Morty" (Page 5)

Rick and Morty Tag


Trent Reznor’s musical moments are always iconic. Here’s our ranking of Reznor’s ten greatest on-screen musical moments.

We wish to see Gillian Jacobs more on both the big and small screens. Here’s our ranking of Jacobs’s best roles in her eclectic career thus far.

Jordan Peele’s phone is constantly ringing for too many upcoming projects to count. Here’s every reason Jordan Peele is *the* creative force to reckon with.

If you ever find yourself aboard the Space Cruiser, you might just benefit from our handy little travel guide to the 'Rick and Morty' multiverse.

While we wait for 'Rick and Morty' S4, we’re going over our fave Interdimensional Cable spots in a ferocious fever to suck up all the hype possible.

Caught up with S4E2 of 'Rick and Morty'? Here are all of Summer's dating app matches from the episode, including a recap of the character's antics.

The San Diego Comic-Con is gone for another year, but we’re basking in its multi-genre glory. Our trip to the event as an SDCC cosplayer was memorable.

Since taking home his Academy Award, Jordan Peele has been on fire. Here’s every reason why Jordan Peele is the creative force to set your calendar around.

Wubba lubba dub dub! 'Rick and Morty' is back after a two-year hiatus. Here are all the Morty deaths & Rick rebirths from S4E1.