HomePosts Tagged "M. Night Shyamalan"

M. Night Shyamalan Tag


The truth is out there, folks. Beam up into the story and uncover our list of the greatest movies featuring green aliens making contact on Earth.

Live-action remakes of cartoon TV shows can go well – or crash and burn like 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'. Find out which live-action movie is the worst.

Did you know you can stream free movies with an Amazon Prime subscription? Make the most of your Prime membership and watch these top movies now.

Are you on the search for more epic binge-worthy shows like 'Shadow and Bone'? Check out the best new TV shows that are currently available to stream here.

Films are perfect for broadening your horizons! We've surfed the web and found some cool new movies coming to Amazon Prime. Check them out here!

We’ve pulled together a list of the most 'Lost'-esque shows we could find. Add these mind-bending TV shows to your watchlist.

An unexpected plot twist in movies always leaves the audience in awe. Watch these much-loved movies with a surprising twist.

A relationship advisor who cheats on his wife: that's the tale of Derrick Jaxn. Grab some popcorn and enjoy Twitter's reactions to his apology video!

Didn't we tell you 2021 was going to be a bizarre year? Brace yourself and take a peek at the weird James Charles memes floating around the web!