Filmmakers have taken advantage of the natural locations and architecture in Puerto Vallarta for decades. If you have to film, why not film in paradise?
From the dark ‘Black Swan’ to the epic ‘Noah’ to last year’s trippy ‘mother!’, these are the most divisive moments of Darren Aronofsky's entire career.
Hulu’s got the flavor this month with some cool as ice documentaries, frosty films, and shivery shows to chill those brains and soothe those eyes in the fever
Listen up, peeps – Benedict Cumberbatch has added himself to the long line of male actors and industry figures making a stand for gender pay parity in Hollywood.
It seems even the Queen can be subjected to pay inequality. During a panel at the INTV Conference in Jerusalem on Tuesday, Netflix producers revealed Claire Foy –
If you’re a fan of genre movies, you’re likely all too aware how genre movies don’t win Oscars. Hell, they usually don’t even get nominated. But as and