HomePosts Tagged "indie film" (Page 12)

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Making movies as an amateur can be expensive. But there are many ordinary, inexpensive household objects that double as useful pieces of film gear.

The indie comic world is filled with film and TV potential. Here are ten indie comics we’d love to see become indie movies.

Horror is a polarized genre, yet audiences return again and again. Now something fresh goes bump in the night, with killer results: prestige horror.

'No Postage Necessary' is the first feature available on a "crypto" blockchain distribution platform. Can they succeed?

How are Hollywood movies viewed and distributed these days? That's what we've been wondering lately amid a rapidly shifting entertainment landscape.

During this period of introspection, we’re taking a look at some of the best charities and organizations out there helping female filmmakers.

We’ve put together a step-by-step guide on how to sell your movie to all the best streaming services to assist your filmmaking career and draw in an audience.

In production, you can work with two types of performers: actors or non-actors. Let’s take a look at the pros & cons of casting non-actors in your films.

To unlock the potential of your smartphone, here’s a handful of pro video cinematography apps for the budding smartphone filmmaker.