HomePosts Tagged "Fox News"

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Tucker Carlson stirring controversy on the universally-acclaimed Joe Rogan Podcast? Find out in this plot twist worthy of a prime-time drama. Buzz is building, tune in!

His departure leaves a void that Fox News will have to fill in order to keep its position on top. See how much cash Tucker Carlson has now!

Beyond all of this chatter, how does this information affect you? See what the uproar on Don Lemon and Tucker Carlson says about us all.

As the Taliban's reign continues, many question if President Joe Biden can truly evacuate all U.S. citizens from Afghanistan. Does he deserve impeachment?

Is Sean Hannity going against his fellow Fox News anchors? Discover how Hannity's opined on vaccines and whether Twitter thinks he should get a cookie here.

Is it segregation or much ado about nothing in NYC? Delve into coverage of Columbia University, its graduation ceremonies, and other news.

'Last Week Tonight with John Oliver' shows no mercy on major right-wing influencers. Here's why Oliver's latest segment tore Tucker Carlson a new one.

Donald Trump is slated to speak at CPAC on Sunday. Here's where you can watch his anticipated speech and what you can expect.

Does it pay to be a news anchor? Our findings say yes. Find out the substantial net worth of CNN's Don Lemon.