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As the Taliban's reign continues, many question if President Joe Biden can truly evacuate all U.S. citizens from Afghanistan. Does he deserve impeachment?

Why do people want to impeach President Joe Biden now?

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham reported on Tuesday that President Biden should be impeached for his approach to withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan. The South Carolina senator isn’t alone in his disagreement with Biden’s strategy. While the suggestion of impeachment is excessive, many other politicians have also voiced their concerns.

Amid the Taliban’s takeover in Afghanistan, the Biden administration has struggled to withdraw American officials & troops from the country. On Tuesday, President Biden announced a reported “deadline” of August 31st for the return of U.S. troops. As a result, many question if this is a promise he can keep.

Pres. Biden sets deadline for Afghanistan evacuation

Earlier this year, Biden remarked that his administration planned on withdrawing all U.S. troops from Afghanistan by August 31st. Now, he affirms that he intends to complete the task on schedule. Thousands of U.S. citizens and Afghan allies have already been evacuated from the troubled region.

“We are currently on a pace to finish by August the 31st,” Biden said Tuesday. “The sooner we can finish, the better. Each day of operations brings added risk to our troops. But the completion by August 31st depends upon the Taliban continuing to cooperate and allow access to the airport for those who we’re transporting out and no disruptions to our operations.”

As troops departed, the Taliban gained full control over Afghanistan’s capital city Kabul. This achievement marks the Taliban’s victory over the entire region. Violence and chaos remain in the country as countless U.S. citizens and Afghan allies rush to airports to escape.

Lawmakers raise concern that the August 31st deadline is not long enough to evacuate everyone. Additionally, the Taliban has announced that they will not accept an extension of any U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

Senator Lindsey Graham demands impeachment 

Despite President Joe Biden’s optimism, many believe that a large amount of catastrophe could’ve been avoided with proper strategy. Moreover, there’s disagreement with having given such an approximate deadline. 

On Wednesday, Senator Lindsey Graham voiced his opinion during a segment on Newsmax. He said, “I think he should be impeached. I think Joe Biden deserves to be impeached because he’s abandoned thousands of Afghans who fought with us and he’s going to abandon some American citizens because he capitulated to the Taliban to a 31 August deadline.”

Senator Graham also remarked, “If I was president of the United States, I would have told the Taliban to go to hell. We’re going to stay here as long as it takes to get our people out.”

“Joe Biden, for political reasons, wanted to pull all of our troops out because of the polling numbers and what has he done? He’s created the conditions for another 9/11. He’s abandoned thousands of people who honorably and bravely fought among with us,” Graham added.

“I think this is the most dishonorable thing a commander in chief has done, maybe in modern times,” Graham concluded.

Negative response to Biden’s deadline 

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) also agrees that President Joe Biden’s supposed deadline was a bad call. On Tuesday, he told Fox News, “The president needs to forget about the August 31 deadline. . . Extend the deadline, get outside the perimeter, make sure that every single American who wants to leave is able to get out with our assistance and our Afghan allies.”

Democratic Representative Tom Malinowski (N.J.), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee who worked as a senior State Department official through the Obama administration, joined in the opinion that the August 31st deadline is unrealistic.

Rep. Malinowski detailed that it’s not just the Republican party disagreeing. He said on Tuesday, “There has been and remains an overwhelming bipartisan consensus that this cannot be done by Aug. 31.”

What do you think about President Joe Biden’s statement? Is Senator Graham’s remark about impeachment reasonable? Let us know in the comments below. 

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