Celebrate National Nurses Day with these painfully funny memes
Today we celebrate National Nurses Day, as we acknowledge the bravery, strength, and persistence of some of our world’s bravest. Given the current global pandemic, most of our nurses have been fighting a war unlike anything we’ve ever experienced in our lifetime, and it is for that reason why we wish to say thanks to nurses everywhere.
Now, what is the best way for us to celebrate National Nurses Day? With some of the best funny memes, of course! Even nurses will acknowledge some of the hypocrisy behind their daily tasks, and we’re simply here to make light of them. Let’s just call it a, we don’t know . . . a shot in the arm wink wink?
Here are some funny nurse memes that we found on Twitter!
Happy National Nurses Day to all of #NurseTwitter! 🖤 🩺 #NationalNursesDay #Nurse #NurseLife pic.twitter.com/rxlUGjfb2R
— Amanda (@Pander_Bear28) May 6, 2021
Simpsons always guess it right
Crying is part of every job, especially for nurses!
Cheers to this! 🥂😁🎉#nurse #nurses #nursing #nursehumor #nursememe #nurselife pic.twitter.com/8gqoL7QT1I
— FlexRN (@FlexRN) August 6, 2018
Date a nurse
What better person to date than someone who can bring you back to life after choking on too many hot wings?
NPO means nothing by mouth!!! Meaning to withhold food and fluids.#nursehumorprn #nursehumor#nursinglifestyle #nursinglife #nursinglife💉💊#nightnurse #futurenurses #nursesweek #nursefashion #blacknursesrock #blacknurseskillinit #nurseprobs #nursememe #nursesdoitbetter pic.twitter.com/NpZlc50ZZJ
— Couture Scrubs and Fashion (@Couture_Scrubs) November 12, 2019
Why won’t they listen?
Patients are the worst. Remember . . . patients do not equal patience. Accurate portrayal, funny nurse memes.
Nurses- what is sleep? What is an stress free job? We don’t know them😂 #NurseMeme #WhatNursesDo #SoMuchPaperwork pic.twitter.com/0mF9QYeDbK
— Sophie (@Sophie_Yarwood) March 11, 2019
Word association
To be fair, we’re not entirely sure what anybody really does at their job.
Can I just wear my scrubs?😅#LVN #healthcare #ERnurse #nursing #nurse #CNA #RN #travelnurse #nurselife #nursememe #nursehumor #medsurg #nursingstudent #nurseproblems #LPN #registerednurse #FridayFeeling pic.twitter.com/uO2sKVdIiR
— HSP Long Term Staffing & Recruiting Firm (@HSP_Inc) December 27, 2019
It’s true
Nurses really should just tattoo scrubs onto their entire skin. It’s basically a part of them at some point.
😂🤣The medical and EMT life😂🤣! #goodlaughs #nurselife #emtlife #firefighterlife #doctorlife #ERlife
.#meme #nursememe #medicalmeme #medicaldaily Funny Nurses Medical Memes #cpr123 pic.twitter.com/kc9KBtwTwZ— CPR123 San Antonio (@CPR123SA) July 10, 2018
It’s like a jungle sometimes
Nurses always manage to find their wrecking crew.
Who knows this feeling? 😂#NurseMeme #NurseLife pic.twitter.com/5QtBRKTUkD
— Your World Healthcare (@YourWorldUK) October 3, 2020
Scheduler’s suck
With nursing, you’re never “on a break”.
People would complain mostly because acuity was not taken into account and you know your floors going to suffer… but really in your head your like…. :-)#nurselife #nursehumor #nursememe #nursememes #floating pic.twitter.com/RpzCdujdAx
— Nurse Approved (@NurseApprovedCa) September 25, 2018
Luck of the draw
Although we’re not positive that there’s any “easy floors” during a global pandemic.
For real…💥#LVN #healthcare #ERnurse #nursing #nurse #CNA #RN #travelnurse #nurselife #nursememe #nursehumor #medsurg #nursingstudent #nurseproblems #LPN #registerednurse #nightshift #nightshiftnurse #nightshiftproblems pic.twitter.com/qT2OKqGJtP
— HSP Long Term Staffing & Recruiting Firm (@HSP_Inc) December 19, 2019
The freaks come out at night
Day shift people just don’t understand.
We couldn't agree more!#Nurse #NurseStaffing #NurseMeme #RN #LPN #CNA #PerDiem #NowHiring pic.twitter.com/2sqRUxIF1c
— Northeast Med Staff (@nemedstaff) August 7, 2018
Honestly, after a global pandemic, we completely condone the idea that nurses should be given a veteran’s discount. These funny nurse memes are spot on!