Cinco de Mayo: Start the celebration early by laughing at these memes
Cinco de Mayo is almost upon us: a day for margaritas, tacos, enchiladas, pinatas, sombreros, and really good guacamole. It is a day cherished by many as we celebrate & commemorate Mexico’s victory over the French during the 1862 battle of Puebla. Of course, most choose to look past that little detail and go straight to the happy hour!
Perhaps the best way to get a head start on celebrating Cinco De Mayo sorry Star Wars/May the fourth fans is to check out some of the best memes on Twitter, all of which beautifully capture the hypocrisy behind some of today’s modern Cinco De Mayo traditions. Are you one of the dummies who knows nothing about Cinco De Mayo except for the trademark traditions of this special day for many? It’s OK . . . you’re not alone.
hope everyone has a celebratory Cinco De Mayo Eve!#cincodemayoeve#CincoDeMayo#MayThe4thBeWithYou #MayThe4th pic.twitter.com/7XiBYHYrZp
— 3rdWatchGaming (@3rdWatchGaming) May 4, 2021
Double-barrelled holiday
Honestly, just be a normal person and prefer Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!
For all your Cinco de Mayo related memes you may wanna make tomorrow pic.twitter.com/8wLkq36vNM
— fish: born to pun (@GoneFishkin) May 4, 2021
The obligatory sombrero
Make a killer guac and we’ll take our shirts off, too!
So… Cinco de Mayo memes.
Man, do I have a FUCKTON of them! 😂 pic.twitter.com/zdYsSLFrPQ
— Vincent Charles: Sharp. Virile! PRESIDENTIAL!! (@YesThatVCharles) May 2, 2021
Here come the memes
White people on Cinco De Mayo are the worst, right? It’s proven in these Cinco De Mayo memes!
Sunday dog meme! Don’t worry, it’s Cinco de Muttyo, you can have all the tacos you want! 🌮🌮🌮🐶🌮🌮🌮 pic.twitter.com/NHt3Ij22cP
— Smelly Dog (@SmellyDogAZ) May 2, 2021
Cinco De Mutto
Remember . . . there’s no calories on holidays.
white people on cinco de mayo vs white people on any other day of the year pic.twitter.com/P6MGUFPVxx
— genderless girl (@Genderlessgurl) May 4, 2021
Back to white people
It’s OK, though. White people keep Party City in business!
cinco de mayo is right around the corner so reminder don’t wear this stuff and make fun of our culture ! our culture is NOT a costume 😁 thanks pic.twitter.com/V7zRvWHdrb
— ☾ xalvador | zhongli finally came home (@ragnvindring) May 4, 2021
Remember what we said about Party City . . . ?
The reason why the back of every menu at a Mexican Restaurant has a burger option.
Scheduling a sick day on cinco de mayo pic.twitter.com/qf1kAsN7Xq
— Waxed & Vaxed (@Stunn_ing) May 4, 2021
A wonderful awful idea
Aren’t you supposed to call out the day after Cinco De Mayo? Get it right, memes.
We are doing Mother’s Day on Cinco De Mayo…tacos, nachos & margaritas!! Can’t wait! pic.twitter.com/aGsquV54j9
— Meredith Plomann (@MerdyWorld79) May 3, 2021
Taco chains
If you’re not ordering at least three Taco Bell menu items then you’re not doing it right.
May the Fourth be with you….well, today. Tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo. pic.twitter.com/tWorp9v154
— VKPasanen (@PasanenVk) May 4, 2021
May the fourth
Would you prefer a lightsaber in your hand or a cold margarita?
Who else has tacos on tomorrow's dinner menu? 😋 #CincoDeMayo pic.twitter.com/kijKDXhgn1
— Jerrika Swartz (@jerrikashley) May 4, 2021
Tacos for all
Not even these Cinco De Mayo memes can escape the obligatory Oprah Winfrey “You get a car” moment.