I Don’t Care: Should you be excited about Ed Sheeran’s new album?
Ed Sheeran’s new album was just announced and some people are singing “I don’t care. . . ” Ed Sheeran’s new album = comes after the success of his single “Bad Habits”, which was released in June, becoming one of the biggest hits of the summer. His new album is set to drop on October 29th, 2021 with fourteen new tracks for fans to enjoy.
Despite the news of a new Ed Sheeran album, some are simply singing “I don’t care. . .” while others are happily celebrating the news. This has caused a bit of a debate within the fanbase and within social media at large, slowly sparking yet another thread war.
Naturally, Twitter is the epicenter of this division of fans and those singing “I don’t care. . .” about the announcement. We sang our way through the threads to find the best reactions on both sides. Stop singing “I don’t care. . .” as we dive into these funny and spirited reactions!
EQUALS OUT 29TH OCTOBER OMGGG #EdSheeran pic.twitter.com/YMBaqrJ8u8
— You (@98sarahm) August 19, 2021
Save that excitement for the release, dude!
Great… And here's a cat that looks like Ed Sheeran 🥰 pic.twitter.com/mTMsHJn5ll
— Nadia S Day 💙 (@nadsday) August 19, 2021
Here’s a cat
Not what we expected, but thanks anyway!
is the next album going to be called ( )? running out of operations here…
Still excited for new album though
— Kelsey J.P. (@JaLuxPo) August 19, 2021
Out of options
*Insert math joke here*
Yaaaaaay 🤗so excited..play Bad Habits on a loop😍#EdSheeran pic.twitter.com/BUR6MjSO4h
— Barbs Coulson (@BarbaraCoulson6) August 19, 2021
You know it’s good when you’re grooving like Charlie Brown!
I’m not a huge fan but love his new song so kinda excited for the new album 😎👍
— Mike Sweeney (@MikeTheSweeney) August 19, 2021
Still excited
Gotta love seeing new fans emerge!
this gonna slap on mute pic.twitter.com/ouwvPTOYEE
— kingfyte (@kingfyte) August 19, 2021
I’m the Trash Man . . . . !
Who’s Fred Sheehan?
— Stewart (@DrWonkyFoot) August 19, 2021
Fred Sheeran
That’s as funny as Bill Epstein, we won’t lie!
There, you announced it…. pic.twitter.com/d09YmVgM7R
— Patrick M. Hoey (@RealHoeyHimself) August 19, 2021
No one cares
— Simon W ⓥ (@Simoonandstars) August 19, 2021
Not you
The return of a classic meme man!
— Ben C (@bencrabtree7) August 19, 2021
Aka half of Twitter’s reaction in a nutshell.
Are you excited for Ed Sheeran’s new album or are you still singing “I don’t care. . .”? Let us know in the comments!