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'Anne with an E' was a show which warmed the hearts of many, many people. Here's why we want the cast to return and how to make it happen.

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Anne with an E was a show which warmed the hearts of many, many people. The Anne of Green Gables adaptation was fun, well acted, and a great escape. Fans have been making noise online to get the show renewed for quite some time, and while nothing has happened yet – not all hope has been lost yet. The more noise that can be made online, the better renewal chances are for Anne with an E.

Why was Anne with an E so near and dear to so many hearts? Well, there were many reasons, and people want more of the well-made television show which ended halfway through its story arc.

A modern historical fiction

Despite being a historical fiction, Anne with an E manages to be a very modern television show. It has a strong female lead, and covers many issues which are relevant to the audience watching today.

Everything from bullying, to healthy romantic relationships (which sadly are a rarity in television), to racism & equality all of these subjects are part of the show while maintaining a tone which isn’t preachy.

Good acting and stories

The acting is praised in Anne with an E, considering so many of the characters are kids, it’s an extra impressive accomplishment to have so many talented & hard working actors on one show.

These talented actors brought life to stories which were heartwarming, positive, and inspiring. Another attribute sorely lacking in most modern television shows which seem to opt for dark, depressing, and harrowing any chance they’re given.

People who watch Anne with an E found themselves laughing, crying, and feeling empowered after every episode. To take something so powerful away from viewers before the story is even over seems cruel.

Big names are begging

You know you have a gem of a show on your hands when famous people start tweeting their disappointment at a cancellation. Everyone from YouTube influencer Thomas Sanders to Hollywood star Ryan Reynolds piped up to show their discontent.

Sanders called the show “beautifully made, poignantly written, impressively acted, and it’s just visual medicine for my soul”. His tweet was in response to Ryan Reynolds’s.

Reynolds on Twitter said this, “You guys might want to renew Anne with an E. Unless “final season” is just a fun way of saying “halfway point””. Honestly, who has the audacity to upset Deadpool?

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  • Well, if you are not going to continue with ‘Anne’s’ story – which has so much more to it – then consider a ‘spin-off’ of Sebastion’s family story in which ‘Anne and Gilbert’ , at least, and other characters like Marilla and Rachel can make ‘cameo’ appearances in.
    Anne’s ‘university’ years were fascinating and her married life as well. I don’t understand why a ‘hit’ show, so wonderfully made has to end after only 3 seasons and less than half the story told. Is it to sell books? The books are great, but, film is too, and can convey so much so quickly. L.M. Montgomery taught morals in her writing, and that is the beauty of the series.
    Please reconsider, and finish the story.

    June 25, 2020
    • I wholeheartedly agree. Not to a spin-off but everything else. This show deserves to be continued.

      September 17, 2020
  • We need good shows that have morals and decency while sending positive messages. Bring back Anne with an E for many more seasons.

    October 15, 2020

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