Did Amber Heard raise her net worth by stealing from charities?
Everyone has a dark side but Amber Heard’s is going more public. Since the defamation trial with her ex-husband Johnny Depp started, several shady facts about Heard have come to light, frankly so from Depp. From the outside, it looks like both parties have their own insanity and as in several marriages, especially in Hollywood ones, things didn’t work out.
Yet, the situation with Amber Heard and her trial with Depp goes further into defamation, celebrity gossip, and lying about a makeup palette. Heard’s case is relevant socially because a political movement was involved through her #MeToo statement on domestic violence. Also, there are several million dollars moving around this situation, many of which were destined for charity, but where are they?
It’s a fact that Amber Heard raised her net worth after her first trial with Depp in 2016. After her divorce, the actress obtained around $7 million from her ex-husband, who lost every job opportunity after the cancellation that came after. However, Heard hasn’t been entirely honest with her donations to charity, in fact, several organizations have reported receiving less than half of the agreed.
Charity situation
Since 2016, Amber Heard’s net worth has changed significantly. Not only due to the fee she obtained following the first trial with Depp, but to the figure she became after that. Since the opinion piece on domestic violence Heard had published in 2018, she became socially recognized as an activist for women’s rights and a symbol of braveness.
When Heard divorced Depp she announced that she’d donate her settlement to domestic violence organizations to help people in less fortunate situations than hers. Still, the actress has only paid $350k so far, which looks like a fortune to many and is definitely helpful, but it’s less than half of the $3.5 million she initially promised. The problem isn’t the money but the intentions behind it.
Initially, Heard’s lawyer at that time said the donation was taking longer due to tax-related issues. But was it all a setup to increase her net worth? In five years the story has changed completely for both parts and it has been proven Heard’s version of the facts is full of lies. We’re not taking sides on this, domestic violence is unacceptable, nevertheless, it has been proven that Heard did violate Depp.
However, beyond their issues as a couple, and the money she obtained after, what’s truly questionable is wearing political flags to grow her net worth. On several occasions Heard claimed to be a public figure making domestic violence visible, this means she was aware of the weight of her voice. Was it all a strategy to become a millionaire? What does Heard’s net worth look like now?
Amber Heard’s net worth
Johnny Depp is known to be one of Hollywood’s stories of success, his multiple iconic characters have left him a wealthy wallet. Even after getting canceled and with all the addiction problems Depp has openly spoken about, the actor’s net worth reaches $100 million.
The actor has claimed that Heard’s divorce made him lose several million-dollar job opportunities, yet, this is something more about image than money. Honestly, it makes sense that Depp wants to clean his name with this defamation trial, but somehow this means exposing Heard’s true colors.
Depp has always had a dark aura as all the characters he’s interpreted, but it looks like Heard beats him under those activist masks she wore. The actress has mentioned living a low profile life with her daughter in California, yet this could be another mask to pretend she’s not interested in money.
Heard’s current net worth reaches $12 million, but this could change any time soon, and will hopefully give closure to this case and all the gossip it awakened.