Frying memes: Are these memes really funnier when they’re deep fried?
“Deep frying” memes are a style of meme where an image is run through so many filters that it begins to look grainy, washed out, and strangely colored. Some would argue that it destroys the beauty of some all-time beloved memes, while others might suggest that it enhances memes. Deep frying memes can be a fun hobby, like destroying gorgeous and awe-inspiring art can be a hobby!
Care to see some of our favorite deep-frying memes on Twitter? We think you do . . .
I miss deep fried memes pic.twitter.com/wU4HHcGWu2
— M III (@michaeljive) August 8, 2021
Deep frying memes
What a hobby.
BOOGEYMAN’S COMING pic.twitter.com/ZdYnFOzKpU
— deep fried red sox memes (@deepfriedredsox) August 8, 2021
Deep frying baseball
Red Sox player or Thanos fan edit?
25 Deep Fried Memes Your Last Remaining Brain Cell Is Begging You To Stop Looking At pic.twitter.com/Nzeu7BZqdI
— Andreas Rabetche (@JoziBoySA) August 7, 2021
Cereal killer
Lucky charms on a bad trip.
i made deep fried meme , please laugh pic.twitter.com/Heoub7jF0e
— mr.MisT (@emil58985950) August 8, 2021
Deep frying the brain
These deep frying memes are a joke within a joke.
this picture radiates 2018 deep fried memes pic.twitter.com/hMFSHWdqHA
— malaya🍒 (@GR4HAMCH3RYL) August 1, 2021
Deep selfie
Of course, Freddy Kruger loves to deep fry his photos.
Why are deep fried FB level George Carlin memes trending rn???? https://t.co/wQOMjhGTVJ
— Zbiz (@zboy365) August 6, 2021
Deep frying memes attacking George Carlin
Or is George Carlin attacking the deep frying memes . . . ?
what would u name this artwork? pic.twitter.com/hGETmhFyiI
— The Boys (@yeptheboys) August 2, 2021
“It’s contemporary”
Deep frying the all-natural way.
a workflow for deep-frying memes pic.twitter.com/nKhsziAwEj
— julie xlsx (@ostolero) December 27, 2016
Fish & chips, extra crispy
We already know that Spongebob memes are the G.O.A.T. Did they really need to deep fry them?
Smh I was scrolling through Facebook and a lot of these meme pages are "deep frying" regular memes. Like no, deep frying goes deeper than that. Observe the proper way to make a deep fried meme via one I found (not my meme) pic.twitter.com/G35Ca6toO8
— smack17 (@smackman17) July 29, 2019
Speaking of . . .
hobbies include deep-frying memes pic.twitter.com/UNoSNOMGhj
— carla – – moved to @YSCHKI (@jorcalu) May 12, 2018
Your guess is as good as ours.
For a second we thought this was Rafiki holding baby Simba over Pride Rock. Now? We have zero idea what this deep-frying meme actually is.