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Are you feeling anxious about your investments? Commiserate with us but laughing at these memes reacting to the stock market updates.

Don’t check stock market updates today: All the best memes

Last month when a group of Redditers decided to collectively invest in Gamestop, it inspired a ton of people to start investing in stocks. This has had mixed results – the stock market is and always has been unpredictable, and people often don’t get as lucky as they did with Gamestop. 

So how did people react today when they checked for stock market updates and saw it was taking a turn for the worse? Here are all the best memes. 

What have I done?

One person took to Twitter to share a photo that pretty much encapsulates all of our reactions when we checked updates and realized our stocks were dipping this morning. 

Welcome to ‘Nam

Here is another example of an image that perfectly sums up our reactions to the dipping stocks. The stock market? More like a war zone. You can’t convince us otherwise.

Everything is fine

This gif from 30 Rock is us drinking our morning coffee after checking for stock updates. 

Put on a brave face

Let’s face it: there’s a moment from The Office for pretty much every single situation, and this is no exception. And this moment is us trying not to lose it after checking stock updates today. 

Say it again

Did you get into stocks without really knowing what you’re doing? Did one of your finance bro friends convince you that it would be a really lucrative endeavor? We totally sympathize. Here’s a meme for the occasion

Who is she?

Another option is to just ignore what’s happening. We’re fine. Everything’s fine. Don’t worry about us. 

We’re fine. Seriously.

This is us trying to convince our friends that we’re totally fine today.


Last but not least, this guy’s description of the stock market perfectly sums up today’s discourse. 

If you made a risky stock market bet, or even a not-so-risky stock market bet, we totally feel you today. But never fear: things will probably start looking up soon. And if they don’t, at least you have some hilarious memes to cheer you up.

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