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Wes Craven Tag


Drew Barrymore's iconic death in 'Scream' was terrifying, but what's scarier is how rich she's become since the hit film premiered.

As our favorite characters return in 'Scream 5', who can we expect to fall victim to Ghostface? Will Sidney, Gale, and Deputy Dewey all survive once again?

Ghostface returns in a new trailer for 'Scream 5'. Despite some previously average sequels, 'Scream 5' is set to revive one of horror's favorite killers.

Will we ever see the next installment of 'Friday the 13th'? If so, it might be under new management. Peruse the endless copyright suits here.

The Ghost Face Killer from 'Scream' was actually based on a real killer. What other horror movies are based on real events? Find out here if you dare!

'A Clockwork Orange' is only one flick of many so offensive they sparked walkouts. Here are the 10 best films that made audiences flee for the exits.

Fans of horror, comedy, drama, and adventure unite! Come with us and relive 1984, the single best year for movies in history.

Jordan Peele has switched from being a master of sketch comedy to an icon of horror. Which Wes Craven movie is he remaking?

Wes Craven was a true ‘Master of Horror’. Kick off Halloween season by looking back at the director’s iconic career.