HomePosts Tagged "UFO sightings"

UFO sightings Tag


Just why is 2023 becoming the year of UFO sightings? Dive inside the newest pics and see what just might the evidence we need!

Are UFO sightings actually aliens? Delve into why the U.S. government is worried about the possibility of extraterrestrial aircraft right here!

What's up with the recent UFO sightings in Canada? Discover why there's been an uptick in strange activity in the night skies and if it will continue.

Are UFOs real? The Pentagon might release more videos proving their existence. Uncover what we could learn thanks to the Intelligence Authorization Act.

Did UFO sightings really skyrocket in 2020? Delve into the numbers and the reason behind the extra extraterrestrial footage we got last year.

Did a real UFO give Seattle residents a spectacular light show? Marvel at the truth behind this phenomenal sighting right here.

What are the most credible UFO sightings out there? Prepare to join the X-Files with these UFO sightings that prove the truth is out there.

Celebrities always find ways to shock us. Here are the most interesting stories of celebs and their UFO sighting.

Due to the nature of UFO sightings, a few people’s eyebrows couldn’t help but raise at the Japanese Defense Ministry’s claim. Here's why.