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The Pentagon Tag


Have there really been videos of UFOs surfing through the web? Is our government investigating these sightings? Let’s fly up and investigate!

Since before we were born, the U.S. government has treated UFOs as fairytales. But does new evidence suggest they're real? See what the news has to say!

Are UFO sightings actually aliens? Delve into why the U.S. government is worried about the possibility of extraterrestrial aircraft right here!

It's been over a year since the Pentagon admitted they believe UFOs are real. Delve into the reported sightings from the U.S. UFO task forces since.

Are aliens among us? In 2004, a video captured a tic-tac shaped UFO floating in the air and traveling at warp speed. Find out what happened that day!

Are UFOs real? The Pentagon might release more videos proving their existence. Uncover what we could learn thanks to the Intelligence Authorization Act.

Did UFO sightings really skyrocket in 2020? Delve into the numbers and the reason behind the extra extraterrestrial footage we got last year.

Is there a reason for the uptick in UFO sightings lately? Explore these UFO sightings in upstate New York and find out.

Are these UFO sightings real? Learn how aliens can mask their spacecraft to look like clouds and other UFO theories.