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Star Wars: The Last Jedi Tag


Loving something means admitting to its many flaws. Embrace the blunders as we rank the ten worst ever 'Star Wars' film series moments.

Have you delved into some toxic fandom communities? Figure out the true meaning of a fandom by choosing some of the most polite communities out there.

‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ sparked intense backlash. Here’s why we think the fandom needs to chill out.

David Stapf unveiled his goal “that there should be a 'Star Trek: Something' on all the time on All Access.” Please don't lead us into darkness, CBS.

Give 'Star Wars' back to the children; no one else wants it. Here's our review on why 'Star Wars: The Rise of the Skywalker' is a hot mess.

As Disney’s careful hands currently cradle the film series, some things in the old 'Star Wars' films simply wouldn't fly today. Here are five of them.

Disney is shelving any future 'Star Wars' movie order to concentrate on the original saga. Let's look at whether this is a good idea or not.

With diehard fans claiming Disney has destroyed the 'Star Wars' legacy, let's look at how the conglomerate keeps screwing up the world of the films.

Nerd culture has repeated allegations of toxic behavior towards women, suggesting there’s something rotten and festering within the community.