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'The Conjuring 3' takes inspiration from a real-life murder case, but how much of the movie true? Learn the terrifying details of the case of Arne Johnson.

Before you cower in your seat watching the latest 'Conjuring' movie, delve into the scary, real story of the murder that inspired it. Read on if you dare!

Horror movies are already scary enough, but what about the ones that are based on a true story? Spook yourself out with all the most terrifying films here.

Is Annabelle real? Here is what we know about the authenticity of the spooky dolls and other haunted artifacts in the film!

'The Conjuring' franchise is currently the second-highest-grossing franchise ever. Uncover the true stories behind the series.

How much of 'The Conjuring' actually happened? Check out the true story about the Warrens' paranormal experiences.

If you’re even a teensy bit familiar with the world of horror movies, it’s impossible you don’t know about Annabelle. Is the real doll terrifying too?

If watching 'The Conjuring' isn't scary enough for you, you can take a virtual tour of the real life house the Warrens investigated.

Is that a pair of lifeless eyes watching you from the shadows? Find out if the real Annabelle from 'The Conjuring' has escaped from her museum to haunt