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With a thriving independent film community, it’s no surprise Australia’s film fests are so strong. Full of diversity, personality, and social awareness, Australian indie film festivals offer a

Not only do we have the full line up to bring to your attention, but also ten of the best short film festivals on the circuit. Let’s start

Bursting with atmosphere, horror film festivals are heaps of fun. From all around the world, here are ten of the best indie horror film festivals.

There’s no denying Cannes dominates the European festival circuit each year. However, there are hundreds of continental film festivals to choose from. We've whittled the list down to

The UK is a country with an abundance of independent film festivals. While London has always been the epicentre of prestige and creativity, there are plenty of other

Please imagine the following statement accompanied by an awkward, Mumblecore-style ditty played on a small keyboard or ukelele – the Duplass Brothers have landed a four-movie deal with

There’s little doubt about it: 2017 was packed full of blockbusters and tentpole flicks, from Disney’s epic Star Wars: The Last Jedi to Wonder Woman, the trailblazing superhero

Does a new year mean a new you? Probably not, but what is does mean is new movies, and what better way to get through the dreaded January

Read on for our list of the ten best local arthouse cinemas in the United Kingdom – some dating back to the earliest moments in film history.