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Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa’s 'Riverdale' features loving tributes to 'Twin Peaks' that make it a strange reflection of the iconic 90s hit.

Season 6 of 'Riverdale' will be premiering on The CW network in mid-November 2021. Will it finally be this show's last season?

Cole Sprouse is angry at fans who are obsessed with his personal life. Learn all about why the 'Riverdale' star's insta has sparked a controversy.

'Riverdale' is a show that’s based, a little bit, on the inherent power of cringe. Here are all the most cringey episodes of 'Riverdale'.

Let’s see how well you know 'Riverdale' season four up to “Chapter Sixty-Nine: Men of Honor”. Take our 'Riverdale' season four quiz now.

Let’s go back to happier times and avoid high school drama with the ultimate 'Riverdale' Bughead quiz. Test yourself now!

While the Archieverse is completely off the rails, we have to wonder how much longer the show can go on. Dive into these ridiculous Riverdale memes.

Paul Rudd and Cole Sprouse gave the 'Friends' reunion a miss. Learn the reasons why that they weren't there for the special.

For all you Riverdale fans out there: wanna see something cringy? Which Riverdale episodes are the most awkward? Check out our list here!