Will Chris Watts’s house sit empty until 2021? Here’s the latest update
The world got to really know Chris Watts back in September with the release of Netflix’s American Murder: The Family Next Door. The documentary gives gruesome insight into the murders of Shanann Watts and the two Watts children, Bella & Celeste. With Chris Watts in prison, many wonder what will become of Chris Watts’s house that set the scene for Shanann’s senseless killing.
Audiences were shocked to learn the details of the Watts family murders in Netflix’s 2020 documentary, which showcases social media posts & text messages by the late Shanann leading up to her & her daughters’ murders, as well as police body cam footage from the afternoon after the killing. The story moves to Chris’s work site, and later to courtrooms, but begins in the fateful house the couple shared.
Murder house
Despite Chris Watts’s initial denial, it soon became obvious to law enforcement officials that he perpetrated the heinous killings of his wife and two daughters. Furthermore, it was later revealed that Shanann had been pregnant with a third unborn child at the time of her murder. The unborn child was already named Nico by Chris & Shanann.
Police investigation uncovered that Chris & Shanann had been dealing with marital problems for some time before the killing, and Chris planned to leave his wife for another woman at the time of the killing.
After a failed polygraph test and scrupulous interrogation by police officers, Chris Watts admitted to killing his wife Shanann and his two daughters, three-year-old Celeste & four-year-old Bella. Watts is believed to have strangled Shanann following an argument regarding their divorce in the couple’s bedroom.
After the strangulation, he brought the body to one of his work sites where he smothered his daughters, hid them in an oil tank, and buried his late wife carrying his unborn child. He was convicted of the murders and sentenced to life in prison.
Sandra & Franklin
With Chris Watts in prison for life and the Watts family deceased, the Chris Watts house sits empty in Frederick, Colorado. What becomes of it may be up to Shanann’s parents, Sandra & Franklin Rzucek.
OK! Reported the Rzuceks have placed a lien of over $6 million on the Colorado home. This is following the couple’s winning $600,000 civil suit against Chris Watts. Coincidentally, this figure is said to be the estimated value of the Chris Watts house.
It remains to be seen what will come of the Rzuceks’ lien, as the Chris Watts house is currently off the market. Its value is also decreasing by the day, along with properties that fall in the murder house’s vicinity. However, with the history of court battles between the surviving parents of Shanann & Chris, the house will certainly not go without a fight.
Legal battles
Court documents from July indicate the two sets of parents battled over insurance money paid out after Shanann, Bella, and Celeste’s deaths. The ruling left the Rzuceks with a payout of over $300,000, with Ronnie & Cindy receiving about $75,000.
Realtor.com reported the over 4,000-square-foot home was first foreclosed, then put up for auction. However, no one bought the Chris Watts house (unsurprisingly) and it now hangs in limbo, swaddled in legalese.
Technically, the Chris Watts house is still in the murderer’s name, and it will remain as such until something becomes of the Rzucek’s lien. The murder house is off the market after attempts to sell to new owners proved unfruitful, and what will become of it is uncertain. One thing we do know is that it’s empty, and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.
What do you think will become of Chris Watts’s house? Let us know in the comments!
Peggy Chandler
Burn it.
December 30, 2020Another woman that can relate
The sad part is, how many scum bag husbands do this to their wives and family? I say this because I speak from personal experience. He’s far from the only one to hurt his family, even to this extent. Without going into detail, I can relate. My heart aches for his woman and her children and her family and friends. Never once did she deserve this despite the conspiracy theorists that thought she did. No, she did not. You may not always agree with her but she and her children did NOT deserve their fate. My heart and prayers go out to them and their family who will forever have to suffer because of this “man’s” decision.
January 2, 2021Another woman that can relate
To add to my previous post, I don’t blame the affair partner. Typically they’ve been lied to themselves and have no idea of what’s really going on. 9 times out of 10 they are blindsided as much as the family is and are completed disgusted and want nothing to do with the person committing the affair afterwards. And why would they?
January 2, 2021Don Brown
Awh poor baby. Takes 2 to tangle. And she’s in N C all summer. I don’t condone
March 20, 2021whathappened. To bad she didn’t stay there. She knew for a few years. It was over. You make the bed you lye in. They say she was drunk when she got home that night. Sometimes it’s best to wait. Argue later. I believe she threatend him with something she knew he loved. The kids. And he may have been drinking too. 🔥 Meets 🔥.
Don Brown
I don’t feel sorry for anyone who chooses a path ladies. Then b about The home in America is a deeply divide home today. Thanks to all your woman libbers. Who by the way are still married to there man. While destroying your house. Think about it. Hillary C. Is one. And still with BC.
March 20, 2021Secret
I’d buy the house. In memorial of the kids and there mother.
May 13, 2021Rick
Tear it down and make a park dedicated to the victims.
June 2, 2021Mary Spence
I agree that’s what my friend and I were just saying.
August 4, 2021HouseBuyer69
I will buy it for 2 dollars
June 7, 2021Ruan
I mean I don’t know what to say just thinking about it makes me wonder how the little girls fighted for there life’s and to think people can do this I wonder does Chris feel bad even for doing it and think about it if he got away with it God knows how many more families or people he would have killed I don’t think this is normal for someone just to get mad and kill someone because it’s his first time maby something took control over him but that he took the life’s of them I’m sorry for the families and sorry for your loss. To think that Cece and Bella could have had a family of their own one day but he took that away.
June 17, 2021Ruan
People say that the house is haunted or we’ll if you look at the story on Netflix and in one of the rooms there is a girl if you look at the door on the left in the room and I’m not crazy maby I’m wrong.
June 17, 2021Ellie
That was her friend’s young daughter who reported her missing
July 14, 2021bee
It was her best friend that reported it with her eldest son ,
October 4, 2021You people that don’t know the whole story should be shammed for assuming things,. Shannan wasn’t drunk when she arrived home , She was a very caring mom with 2 little girls & a son on the way. Know the facts before you rabble on about something you know nothing about except what the media is saying & you tube,.
Probably tear it down.. it’s just going to deteriorate. As for the former comment that Sha’nan came home drunk.. she was pregnant and I don’t believe she would jeopardize her health and her unborn baby’s health! What an idiotic thing to say.
July 3, 2021Rebecca
I don’t agree with Chris’s parents getting any of Shanann’s insurance pay out. Her parents have lost their daughter, at the end of the day it should have gone to her family not his.
July 14, 2021Theresa
Burn it to the ground If Chris watts still owns the house burn it down ..
July 18, 2021Terri Sellers
Destroy the house and make a play ground for the neighborhood in honor of Bella and CeCe and Nico For Shannan
August 18, 2021