Love to hate: The best ‘Money Heist’ quotes from antiheroine Alicia
While we loved seeing Raquel as the villain of our dream on Money Heist parts one and two, we like her much better as Lisbon on the winning team. But with her out of the picture, it was only a matter of time before we met someone new on the force.
Money Heist part three brought us bad bitch Inspector Alicia Sierra in her place, ready to lead the task force against our gang of heisters while pregnant. We 100% hate her, but we love to do so.
We know we’re going to get more of Alicia being our favorite antihero in Money Heist part four, so we’re looking back at her baddest moments in part three. We’ve grabbed some of her best quotes in the past season to honor here today.
“I look fat. I look fat!”
The woman is busy watching the news report about her being on the case, and yet her concern is how big her pregnant butt looks on camera. Big mood.
“Have you ever recorded yourself while having sex?”
Raquel was too awkward to play The Professor’s flirting game, but Alicia is not afraid to rile him up. More importantly, not afraid to rile Raquel up with jealousy.
“I want the queen of bitches here.”
Ok, so Alicia didn’t say this, but it’s about her. And it’s 100% her title.
“I want three things” names sweets
Alicia is ready to work, but she is not giving up her pregnancy cravings at the same time. Get that woman some licorice now!
“Shoot first, and ask questions later.”
Truly, Alicia is a different kind of police inspector. She is not afraid to take the risky shot even if it means shooting the wrong man. Sometimes you gotta play dirty to get what you need.
“Yes I’m positive, look at me. Super positive.”
Regardless of what she’s done, she’s always done it with confidence. We’ll still groan at her name, but we can’t wait to hate Alicia some more in Money Heist part 4.
“My name is not Tatiana.”
She never said this, but we kinda hope Alicia does because we’re so sick of the Alicia is Tatiana theory.
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