Did Harry Styles learn nothing from 2020? Why won’t he wear a mask?
Another day, another celebrity making light of the safety protocols during a continuously deteriorating pandemic. Former One Direction frontman Harry Styles became the latest in Hollywood to come under fire for going maskless during the coronavirus pandemic.
The bandana mask
There’s no denying the fact that Harry Styles has become a fashion icon in his own right, especially after his much talked about December 2020 Vogue cover shoot. He’s known for his gender-defying & head-turning looks that automatically make him the most interesting man in the room.
Most of his bold style moves garner appreciation from across the globe, however, Styles’s latest fashion statement didn’t go over too well. On January 3rd, 2021, Harry Styles & his rumored partner Olivia Wilde strolled out into the streets of Santa Barbara to meet some friends, as reported by Teen Vogue.
During his outing, Harry Styles was spotted wearing a loose bandana instead of a proper mask, while Wilde was sporting a regular snug face mask. The pair were also seen abandoning their face masks altogether while engaging with friends. The “Watermelon Sugar” singer’s actions caused an influx of tweets and very soon “Harry wear a mask” started trending on Twitter.
“Harry wear a mask”
In 2020, we saw an upsurge in people holding their celebrity icons accountable for not adhering to COVID-19 guidelines, and this year is no different. Harry Styles’s fans were disappointed after his maskless photographs surfaced and they took to Twitter to voice their displeasure.
One Twitter user chastised Harry for being extremely irresponsible, “I’m beyond disappointed. there is an incidence of 8 thousand cases per 100 thousand people in LA. That’s literally an 8%! not only is it dangerous but careless and selfish to be driving and walking around without following guidelines. please harry wear a mask, we are concerned!”
Meanwhile, another Harry Styles stan slammed him for not practicing what he’s preaching, “harry you can’t preach staying home and wearing a correct mask if you are not doing the same. Millions of people are dying around the world and many ppl look up to you. Set a correct example!! I love you but this is irresponsible HARRY WEAR A MASK”
Another user cited the strain on the hospitals and called out Harry for his negligence, “Harry is being so irresponsible & selfish rn. The hospitals in LA are struggling to cope & he is out here doing this”
Why the backlash?
Wearing a proper protective face mask is essential to prevent the vicious spread of the coronavirus and the “Falling” hitmaker’s loosely styled bandana doesn’t exactly fall in the “most effective” face mask category. In fact, according to a study in Science Advances, covering your face with bandanas or neck gaiters may cause more harm than not donning a mask at all.
Even the CDC recommends wearing a snug, fitted mask that completely covers your nose & mouth should be a top priority to curb the further escalation of the virus.
To make matters worse, the paparazzi photographed Harry Styles getting out & about maskless in Los Angeles, a region that’s currently overwhelmed with positive COVID-19 cases. Many counties in California are under a “Stay At Home” order because of the sheer number of positive coronavirus cases, and hospitals are also working at full capacity.
The coronavirus claimed many lives in 2020, but many deaths were avoidable according to health experts. To ensure 2021 won’t turn out to be as turbulent as 2020, health experts warn that proper COVID-19 guidelines should be followed, including wearing proper face coverings and staying socially distanced.
Should people, regardless of their star power, be called out for their questionable behavior during these crucial times? Let us know what you think in the comments!
I think I’ve got better things to worry about and so should everyone else.
January 11, 2021Tammy
He has asthma… so opting for a looser fitting bandana on days where his asthma is acting up is understandable. Which was likely frequently due to poor air quality in California from the wildfires. No excuse for no covering tho.
October 2, 2021