Dark humor jokes: You’ll be stuck outside of heaven’s gate for laughing
Some people’s sense of humor is a little darker than others. It may seem a little heartless to laugh about death, poverty, depression, and disease but a study in the research journal, Cognitive Processing, demonstrates that appreciation of dark humor correlates with a higher IQ & lower aggression.
Apparently, dark humor takes a little more information processing than your typical joke as well as a bit more emotional control to find the jokes humorous, making dark humor enthusiasts your more sophisticated comedy enthusiasts. Whether you’re a genius or just someone who likes a good dead baby gag, here are a few dark humor jokes that will really get your brain working.
We’re certainly going to hell – but don’t throw away the key just yet! Make sure to check out these hilariously dark memes just for you.
My favorite film is The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I love a protagonist with a twisted back story.
What did Kermit the Frog say at Jim Henson’s funeral? Nothing.
“Cats have nine lives. Makes them ideal for experimentation.” – Jimmy Carr
My grandfather says I’m too reliant on technology, so I unplugged his life support.
Why was the leper hockey game cancelled? There was a face off in the corner.
“People say that Steve Jobs died too soon. But I think it was a fitting metaphor for his company’s attitude to battery life.” – Frankie Boyle
Coronavirus is keeping everyone under lock & key with nothing to do. Check out our exclusive compilation of painfully relatable COVID-19 memes.
Why can’t orphans play baseball? They don’t know where home is.
Dark humor is like health care. Not everyone gets it.
If I wanted to kill myself I would climb to the top of your ego and jump to your IQ.
“If at first you don’t succeed, then skydiving definitely isn’t for you.” Steven Wright.
My dad has the heart of a lion . . . and a lifetime ban from the zoo.
What’s yellow and can’t swim? A bus full of children.
My girlfriend dumped me, so I stole her wheelchair. Guess who came crawling back?
You can’t say Hitler was bad through and through. He did kill Hitler after all.
“The worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades.” – Demetri Martin
I tried to make vegetable soup today, but the wheelchair didn’t fit in the pot.
Still not satisfied and craving more dark humor jokes? Here’s our article showing you the best dark humor memes so you can laugh your way to hell.
Nice love the very rude jokes this really “hurts” my heart
June 26, 2020Mason
Why cant chinese play baseball? Cause they ate the bat
I tried playing 2k as kobe but my game kept crashing
I love dark humor, but not 9/11 jokes, there to plan
October 24, 2020Rae
What red and bad for your Teeth? A brick
June 29, 2020korina miller
Why doesnt Africa have pharmacys? Because you can’t take drugs on an empty stomach.
July 1, 2020crystal
i told my mom that joke. she started crying
August 18, 2020Callie Kamai
Omg I’m in love with this 🤣🤣🤣🤣
August 20, 2020yourmom
Why didn’t the Japanese man get a high five? Because Logan Paul left him hangin.
July 6, 2020Amy
That’s way too far!
August 30, 2020T.M.
That is a good one
October 15, 2020Shay
We are all going to hell for this!!
October 23, 2020yourmom
I was going to make a joke about JFK but I forgot. It went right through my head.
July 6, 2020Caitlyn
What’s the difference between a dad and a boomerang. The boomerang comes back
July 22, 2020TV_COD_BOI
February 16, 2021WRONG
Yo yo yo
I mean dark humor is like healthcare not everyone gets it
August 1, 2020TTV_COD_BOI
February 16, 2021Allie
Why does China have the best baseball team?
August 2, 2020It took oit half the world with one bat.
say all you want about pedo’s at least they drive slow in school zones
August 3, 2020chevy
why do orphans only buy i phone 10’s? because there is no home button
August 3, 2020Connor Q.
What’s red and bad for your teeth?
August 24, 2020A brick
October 28, 2020Biggus dickus
My favorite part about dead baby jokes is that they never get old
August 5, 2020Alissa
What do you call a gay drive by….?
A fruit roll up.
August 6, 2020barry mckockiner
i was going to play 2k as kobe bryant but it crashed
August 8, 2020Jonathan
why is John F. Kennedy on the half dollar? Because he’s missing half of his head.
August 9, 2020Tyler
Why did Stephan Hawkins come back crawling because someone stole his legs
August 13, 2020Junior
August 14, 2020Lola Owen
What do u call a burnt down church
A hot cross nun
August 15, 2020nigga
why is the twin towers angry, cause they ordered a pepperoni but got a plane instead
August 20, 2020Oliver
Why are so many people in Africa sick:
August 20, 2020They don’t have any water to swallow the medicine pills with.
I was going to tell a joke about school shootings but they are usually aimed towards a younger audience
August 21, 2020gavin blocker
Pizza’s are better than jews because pizzas don’t scream when they’re in the oven.
August 21, 2020John
Even tho I’m a Jew I get it I love dark humor
October 10, 2020Fat Cum Rag
Dark humor jokes hit harder than Chris Brown hit Rihanna
August 22, 2020Ronnie Ray
Who’s the worlds fastest readers? 9/11 victims they went through 80 story’s in 10 seconds
August 22, 2020Darkhumourlol
I bought a white ps4 so it could breathe
August 22, 2020nigga
why is 6 scared cause 7 ate 9 then why is 10 scared cause he is stuck between 911
August 23, 2020Matthew
I was gonna say I Kobe joke but we all know that wouldn’t land well
August 24, 2020dylan
what are the similarities between the twin towers and genders… there was once 2 but now it is a sensitive subject”
August 24, 2020ash
what is the difference between a pregnant lady and i light bulb you can unscrew light bulb
August 24, 2020Dakota
Why did a man jump off the empire state Building?
September 2, 2020To make a hit on broadway
Death Angel
September 4, 2020Queen of dark humor
Once a mans wife got into a car crash. *The man rushed to the hospital* Doc: so I hv bad news and good news. The bad news is that u hv to take care of her like bathe her change her and feed her etc+ Man: what’s the good news tho?? Doc: I’m just messing with you she’s dead!
September 28, 2020Why
Why did the gay guy unindtall google maps? It told him to go straight.
October 11, 2020Bobross420
America have the most open minded leaders
October 21, 2020lil_cobster06
my therapist told me time heals all wounds so i stabbed him now we wait..
October 21, 2020CorrCorrDeadDad
November 6, 2020TACO BELL
I flashed the batsignal yesterday Batman said “what’s up” I said “Not your parents!”
November 10, 2020Demon girl
(Why is this so funny) ‘‘My friends say I shouldn’t bury my problems, but I feel so much better now my mom can´t bother me so much.‘‘
November 10, 2020Demon girl
Me like burying my problems.
November 10, 2020ooooor
im a nun 0-o
November 11, 2020Demon girl
Me like this dark stuff.
November 11, 2020Ella de Almeida
What did Kermit the Frog say at Jim Henson’s funeral? Nothing.
You can’t say Hitler was bad through and through. He did kill Hitler after all.
The worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades.
November 11, 2020fr fr
your mum XD
November 17, 2020Peppapig
At ScHoOl when you are Learning problem and solution
Problem:your mom is coughing
Solution: put her in a coffin
*read out loud an you’ll get it*
November 19, 2020Jacob
what do you call i church that has been brunet down?
A hot crust Nun. :p
November 23, 2020TACO BELL
i literally destroyed my toilet after taco bell……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
December 2, 2020TACO BELL
why are we still here just to suffer? xD
December 2, 2020Demon girl
December 14, 2020Demon girl
December 16, 2020Landon
Whats the similarity between a lesbian and a turtle
Answer they both choke on plastic
February 3, 2021Bdawg
What do you call a gay person on fire? LGBBQ.
April 8, 2021Daddyslayer69
I wonder what the last thing to go through lincoln’s head was…
May 1, 2021