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Humor is perhaps the only way to process traumatic situations. Here are some memes of Evan Peter playing the role of Jeffrey Dahmer.

We’ve brought you a list of amazing memes to activate your gay group chats this early 2023. Are you ready?

You don’t need to be a dad to make dad jokes. Here are the top ten most dirty dad jokes from 2022.

Liking dark humor jokes doesn't make you a cruel person, or maybe just a little. But there's nothing to feel ashamed of, come laugh at these jokes.

TikTok's new trend is dark humor, which is always controversial. However, appreciating dark humor might be the sign of a higher IQ. What do you find funny?

If you’ve been in the loop lately, you may have heard of the “Immortal Snail”. Discover the meaning behind this unusual TikTok meme.

Fancy getting in touch with your inner scientist? Dissect our list of some of the greatest science jokes on the web today to get your chuckle on.

If you want to find your kind, Reddit might just be the place for you. Here are all the dark jokes on Reddit. Prepare for offensive humor.

If you’re looking to laugh along with us at all the jokes that only adults will understand, scroll along to all our favorite NSFW adult memes here.