Need to win an ‘Among Us’ game? Here are five easy ways
There’s an impostor among us? There are tons of impostors in InnerSloth’s indie game Among Us. Which color is acting sus? Is it red, purple, or orange? It’s your job to determine which character is killing off your fellow crewmates. It’s one big game of 🐮💩 and people are continuously falling in love with the online multiplayer.
Determining who’s the impostor is harder than you initially think. Among Us can cause a rift amongst friends, family, and complete strangers from all corners of the world. Need to learn how to win a game of Among Us? Here’s how.
Fake it to make it
Sometimes when wandering around the map as an impostor stalking your next target – you need an alibi. Fake tasks are the perfect way to ensure you’re not foiled in the first thirty seconds. Be careful though, make sure you familiarize yourself with the map and the tasks so you aren’t bewildered by questions.
You have to ensure that your Among Us skills are up to scratch and you use those countless hours playing for good (or evil)! 😈 Don’t rush off too quickly. Some tasks take seconds whereas others are longer and stay clear of visible tasks – of course.
Falling like dominos
As an impostor, it’s your job to ensure that all the crewmates meet a grisly end in Among Us. When a group of unfortunate crewmates stand on one spot in the game, it’s your lucky day. It’s the perfect time to get multiple kills in one go! Ensure they’re all together, you can’t get caught, and then go for the kill.
If anyone asks, you were in navigation!
Vent, vent, vent
Vents are your new best friends in Among Us. A handy vent can make or break your game as an impostor. Any criminal knows (we think 😜), the getaway is key to any crime you’ve committed. This game’s no different and you need to make a hasty exit or your cover’s blown.
Oh, someone was killed in admin? I was all the way in the reactor . . . weird. 😉
Smile, you’re being recorded
Among Us doesn’t make things easy for impostors which makes the game all the more fun and challenging. Those flashing cameras mean that a crewmate is watching the hallways. Your next kill could be recorded.
On the Skeld & Polus map, crewmates often check cameras to try and catch those evil impostors. When the light is red on cameras then someone is peeping in security. However, you can use this to your advantage and kill the crewmate inspecting the cameras since they’re now ignorant of their surroundings.
Immunity is their downfall
Visual tasks can help innocent crewmates prove they aren’t the murderous psycho planning to stab others in the back. However, this can really put a dent in your plans to overthrow the ship and its crewmates. You must destroy them at all costs! 💀
We all know the aim of Among Us is to kill all the crewmates until you outnumber the innocent. As long as you kill them in time, their innocence can ultimately lead to their quick demise. Don’t take any prisoners, impostor!
Make sure you apply these five easy steps in your next Among Us game to ensure victory as an impostor. If you’re a crewmate, best of luck out there. Want to learn more about the annoying hackers destroying your not-so-peaceful game? Here’s our article uncovering ways to avoid those cheaters. 😠
Let us know your steps to winning Among Us as an impostor in the comments!