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Some wigs are so killer they could be sentient. Here’s our ranking of the nine most epic wigs that we suspect may actually have a mind of their own. Read more
Sworn off Hallmark for their anti-LGBTQ+ practices? Film Daily is preparing original content. We need your help. Here's how you can get involved. Read more
If you still haven’t joined the SnatchBot revolution, the past year has provided plenty of evidence as to how your business could benefit. Here's how. Read more
Online custom printing services can meet the demands of every business, especially when they're pressed for time for an urgent meeting or seasonal event. Read more
Not sure where a chatbot fits into your industry? We’ve gathered up the 5 industries where SnatchBot is changing the game. Read more
In honor of Ingrid Michaelson’s new album 'Stranger Songs', here are the ten best songs featured throughout the three seasons of 'Stranger Things' music. Read more
What will online gaming look like without bonuses? Boring! Here's how to make the most out of casino bonuses and win that jackpot. Read more
'The L Word: Generation Q' is here to break new boundaries in how lesbian, bi, trans, and queer relationships are depicted once again. Here's why. Read more
Telling queer characters' stories as fully-fleshed persons on TV has given us a smorgasbord of fascinating characters. Here are some of our favorites. Read more
Make your New Years’ resolution working off the holiday pounds with Charge Running. Find out how you can work towards your fitness goal. Read more
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