Why you need to watch the web series ‘Smoking Gun’, directed by Pablo Bobadilla
One quick look at the web series Smoking Gun, and you’d assume the series is taking on alien conspiracy theories. But the meaning of Pablo Bobadilla’s newest project goes deeper than that. A satirical comedy, Smoking Gun takes a look at the immigration situation in America. The world of Smoking Gun feels foreign, but it’s the power of Bobadilla’s storytelling that makes it feel like our future and our current world.
Pablo Bobadilla became a filmmaker with the intention of telling intense stories that changed people’s perspectives on the world. Smoking Gun is just the latest project of his to follow such goals.
Taking on the alien invasion
Smoking Gun follows Dr. Mendez & Bobbi Calhoun as they try to uncover the impending alien invasion on their hometown. But they soon discover “aliens have body snatched undocumented migrants and crossed the border to invade the nation undetected,” as the logline explains.
While a bit on the nose about its true intentions, Smoking Gun is not just some typical sci-fi web series. It’s a poignant satire trying to address a major issue in America today through creative means.
A multi-lingual filmmaker
Of course, Pablo Bobadilla is an immigrant himself, along with being an American. So the story of Smoking Gun has heart behind it. While attending the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, he found a balance in strong storytelling and filmmaking knowledge.
With those skills, Bobadilla has been working on stories that use their filmmaking techniques to enhance the already complex story. Plus, Bobadilla is bi-lingual, so he’ll use that to his advantage to create stories in both Spanish and English, like his 2019 film Diamante en Bruto.
Taking a personal message to the end
In his director’s statement, Pablo Bobadilla shared the influence for creating the web series Smoking Gun came from the increase in political conversation about immigration.
“As both an American and an immigrant, I feel like our country is more divided than ever on topics like politics and immigration. As a result, it is my opinion that humanity is becoming an alien concept since we are focusing more on what divides us than what unites us.”
Smoking Gun is more than just a political satire about immigration. It’s a story showing people with two completely different ways of thinking taking care of each other because it’s the right thing to do, as Bobadilla explains. “Dr. Mendez and Bobbi Calhoun have different backgrounds and points of view, they still somehow manage to set aside their differences and come together in order to tackle the alien invasion and save the world.”