Does it run in the family? All about Jeffrey Epstein’s brother Mark
Not a lot is known about Jeffrey Epstein’s brother, Mark Epstein. He is the only named beneficiary in Epstein’s estate, estimated to be worth over $500 million. Unlike his brother, he was never in the limelight nor was he knowingly involved in Jeffrey Epstein’s schemes.
Still, Mark Epstein is concerned about his life after his brother’s apparent suicide. To this day, he doesn’t believe Jeffrey Epstein killed himself and he’s scared that the same people who were supposedly responsible for Jeffrey Epstein’s death will come for him.
It’s not certain how much Mark Epstein had to do with his brother Jeffrey Epstein’s business transaction or his life in general. Here’s what we know so far.
Early life
Mark Epstein was Jeffrey Epstein’s younger brother. They both grew up in Brooklyn; their mother was a teacher’s aid and their father worked for New York Parks and Recreation in maintenance. They both enjoyed a normal, middle-class upbringing.
It isn’t known what Mark Epstein’s net worth is, nor is it widely known what he does for a living. He owned real estate like Jeffrey Epstein and owns the majority of condominiums in a building near his brother’s Upper East Side mansion.
Mark Epstein doesn’t believe his brother killed himself
Mark Epstein cites inconsistencies in the autopsy reports, missing footage of his brother’s call at the time of his death, and findings in his brother’s autopsy more in line with homicide wounds.
Mark Epstein also reports that his brother appeared to be in good spirits before he died. Jeffrey Epstein was about to have a bond hearing, so had a chance of getting out. However, Jeffrey Epstein was denied bond shortly before his death.
Mark Epstein fears for his safety
Mark Epstein fears that the same people who came after his brother, Jeffrey Epstein, are also coming for him. In an interview with Dr. Michael Baden, the pathologist Mark Epstein hired to conduct a second autopsy on his brother, Baden said that Mark Epstein worried that if Jeffrey Epstein’s death was a homicide, he would be in danger, too.
Mark Epstein, like others who believe Jeffrey Epstein didn’t take his own life, believe that Jeffrey Epstein was murdered on the orders of a rich, powerful client who didn’t want him talking, or exposing their wrongdoings as part of a plea deal.
Mark Epstein may have evidence
Since Mark Epstein was the sole beneficiary of his brother Jeffrey’s estate, he may have security footage that could incriminate Jeffrey Epstein and his associates. Granted, federal authorities raided Epstein’s property after his death looking for incriminating files, videos, etc.
Mark Epstein “knew too much”
The reason Mark Epstein fears for his safety is that he “knew too much” according to the interview with Dr. Baden. Naturally, siblings confide in each other, but we don’t know the extent of what Jeffrey Epstein told his brother, Mark. While Mark Epstein maintains his brother’s innocence, he’s still concerned about what Jeffrey’s clients think he knows.