‘Farmville’: Can you still play these timeless Facebook games?
Oh, Facebook – what happened to you, old friend? Any millennial will tell you their friends are dropping from Facebook like flies. As Instagram, Twitter, and (dare we say it) TikTok continue to rise higher in relevance, Facebook has been left to fall by the waste side.
In fact, most millennials will tell you Facebook seems like a discussion board for their parents, cousins, and any Gen X or boomer folks in their lives. Let’s face the facts – Facebook just isn’t hip anymore. But some of us still remember the days when we’d log on to Facebook to get our daily fix of some of the most addicting games available online.
For those of you who miss the days when opening Facebook gave you a rush of adrenaline, we’re here to tell you the burning question in your mind – are Facebook games like FarmVille still available?
FarmVille was once the king of online gaming. The game dropped on Facebook back in 2009 and remained the most popular game on the social networking giant for two years straight. VentureBeat.com reported FarmVille held a whopping 34.5 million daily users at the game’s peak. Needless to say, FarmVille has many fans.
With such a massive following, we can only wonder why we don’t hear more about FarmVille these days. Well, according to AppData.com, FarmVille dropped to 110th most popular game on Facebook by 2016. So can you still play FarmVille today?
Well, not exactly. FarmVille was discontinued in December 2020. However, you can still play the incredibly similar FarmVille 2 available to Facebook users everywhere.
Candy Crush
Remember Candy Crush? For a while, people couldn’t get enough of the puzzle video game, and users would flock to Facebook in droves to play the game whenever they had a spare moment.
Like FarmVille, Candy Crush, known as Candy Crush Saga on Facebook, was one of the most popular mobile games to ever come to the social media giant. So can you still play Candy Crush Saga on Facebook?
Luckily for Crush fanatics, Facebook users can still play Candy Crush Saga on the social media platform to this day. However, if your friends gave up their Crush addiction when the fad ended, you might find yourself playing with strangers.
Words with Friends
Words with Friends may have reached a level of success unmatched even by the likes of Candy Crush Saga & FarmVille. For a time, it seemed like every person you’d see walking down the street or on public transit would be transfixed by their phone, typing away on the popular game.
Words with Friends brought gamers a version of Scrabble which was unlike any other – not only was the game purely addictive, but also the platform allowed players to play with some of their closest comrades thanks to the magic of the internet.
Furthermore, Words with Friends wasn’t just one of the biggest games on Facebook. According to PocketGamer, in 2017 the mobile game was reported to be the most popular mobile game in the U.S.. So can you still play Words with Friends?
According to Facebook, not only can you still play Words with Friends, but also the game has over 1 million monthly users. Interested fans can pull up WwF on Facebook right now – you won’t be regressing, you’ll just be picking up right where you left off.
We listed the biggest games on Facebook, but the social media giant has plenty to offer its users. What’s your favorite of all the games on Facebook? Let us know in the comments below!