Cannibal child-killer Nathaniel Bar-Jonah is the stuff of nightmares
Nathaniel Bar-Jonah has been a terrorizing kidnapper since childhood, but managed to evade police capture and escape to another state to strike there.
Nathaniel Bar-Jonah has been a terrorizing kidnapper since childhood, but managed to evade police capture and escape to another state to strike there.
This is the story of how Big Lurch wound up blood-covered, naked, and stumbling in the street with his roommate's lung in his hand.
An artist and anthropologist, Tobias Schneebaum spent parts of his life living with cannibals. Here's everything you need to know.
It’s hard to believe that Netflix's 'Tiger King' counts as true crime. Here's all the crimes Joe Exotic was charged and sent to jail for.
Omaima Nelson, otherwise known as the “Thanksgiving Butcher", was a crafty individual. Here's everything we know about cannibal Omaima Nelson.
These terrifying killers definitely left their mark on pop culture. Here's the chilling tales of real-life vampire killers that inspired the movies.
Throughout history serial killers have tormented us all throughout history. Here's just a slither of the true crime mysteries during Victorian times.
The wild wild west was a bloody time to be alive, but the Kentucky Cannibal Boone Helm made it a hell of a lot bloodier with his crimes.
The family that kills together, stays together. At least in the case of the Bloody Benders, a family of killers from 1870's Kansas.
When it comes to killers, people always bring up if they had a neglectful childhood. Here's the story of serial killer Hadden Clark.